開心的生活,因為我們是一體的 (艾妮塔‧穆札尼)/ Be Happy, Because We’re All Connected (Anita Moorjani)

On January 25th on her regular Hay House radio show, my favorite spiritual teacher, Anita Moorjani, talked more about her near-death experience on "the other side” and shared what it has meant to her since she came back to her physical body. She constantly reminds us to love ourselves, find our joy and to live a life of love instead of fear. What exactly did she experience in the other realm that made her believe that this is so important? The following is an excerpt of her talk. If you are not familiar with Anita’s story, you can watch this video in which she talks about her near-death experience and how she recovered from her terminal illness. Many thanks to Davie Lin who provided the recording of her radio show. 

我最喜愛的心靈老師艾妮塔‧穆札尼,1月25日在她每週固定的Hay House網路廣播節目上再次談到她的瀕死經驗,分享了更多她在「另一邊」得到的啟示。她總是不斷地提醒我們要愛自己,做自己開心的事,同時要過一個充滿愛而不是恐懼的生活。到底她在另一個境界經歷了什麼讓她產生這個信念? 以下是她節目的片段內容。如果您不認識艾妮塔,可以先從這部影片了解她的瀕死經驗以及她如何死而復生。感謝網友林先生提供這段廣播節目的錄音。 

另一邊的訊息」第一集  /  "The Other Side" Part 1

In fact, next week I’ll be coming up to 11 years of having had this experience, of having crossed over, having this death experience and crossed over and healed from cancer. So I was pondering about it and thinking about everything that happened in the 11 years. And I was interestingly, as time goes by, this experience doesn’t fade, it doesn’t get less and less. On the contrary, what happened is that I am finding myself relying on it, reaching for it, and accessing that state more and more, because in an interesting way or strange way, I’m finding that the world we live in, the world outside, is getting, it feels like it’s getting more turbulent. So I’m finding that I need to rely on that experience more and I’m finding I’m accessing it more and more.


So what is it that I am accessing? So for most of you who are tuning in who know my story if you read “Dying To Be Me” or if you’ve read the story on my website, which is anitamoorjani.com, if you read the story, you’ll know that I had cancer for four years, I had lymphoma and I reached the point where I was at the end stage where the doctor said that I wasn’t going to make it, my organs shut down, I went into a coma, and I wasn’t supposed to come out of the coma, I was supposed to die, but instead I crossed over into the other side and I realized that it wasn’t my time, but that wasn’t all I realized. I experienced the state of great clarity. I want to speak more about that state of clarity. What it was that I felt, what it was that I learned, what it was that I realized.

我重溫的是什麼感覺? 你們很多追蹤我的人,知道我的故事,或是讀過「死過一次才學會愛」,或是你曾經在我的網站anitamoorjani.com看過我故事的人,知道我曾經罹患癌症四年,到了末期,那時醫生說我已經沒救了,我的器官開始衰竭,人陷入昏迷,不可能再醒過來了,我應該是要死去的。但是在我跨過鬼門關時,我明白我的時候未到,而且我明白的事還不只如此。我經歷了一個真相大白的境界。我要談的是這個真相大白的境界。我感覺到什麼,我學到什麼,我明白了什麼。 

In that state of great clarity, one of the first things I felt or sensed was that we are all connected. Because there I was, my physical body was lying there on that hospital bed dying, and I was not part of that physical body. I was much, much bigger, much bigger and so much more. It was like I had expanded. So I was expanded well beyond the body and I could see my physical body lying there on the hospital bed, and it looked so small and insignificant compared to what I was now feeling the expansion. I felt so powerful and magnificent and amazing and the first thing I wondered was how come I never knew this, how come I never knew that, how come it's taken death for me to realize this. I actually realized that I was dying and I didn't understand why I never knew how powerful I actually am.


So there I was and my body lying on the bed looked so small and insignificant compared to how I was now feeling. But as I took in what was happening all around, I wasn't viewing with physical eyes. It was more like an awareness, because physical eyes are part of our physical body, but in that state, I mean my physical eyes were closed and in the body that was lying on the bed.


But the state I was in, I was actually, I felt as though I was everywhere at once. And whatever I put my awareness on or whatever I put my focus on, that's what would come into my awareness. So I wasn't looking with physical eyes. It was more like I had 360-degree peripheral vision, like I was able to see everything at once, like when you look with your physical eyes, you have to face in one direction, like you have to turn your head to face what you want to look at. When I was not in my body, I didn't have to turn or face anything. There was nothing to turn; there was no body. I was aware of everything that was all around, and my… and it was like my awareness, I will say vision but it wasn't vision, it was my awareness kept expanding. So I became aware of more and more, like a broader and broader vision, so it was, it started to expand, not just the hospital room that I was in.


I could see everything in the hospital room, 360 degree vision, but beyond outside the room, down the hallway, the nurse's station and beyond the hospital and it kept going beyond. I could see my brother who was in a different country trying to get on a plane, trying to get a.., trying to get a plane so that he could come and see me. And all this one by one started coming in into my awareness as it continued to expand.


But what I want to stay here is what I felt because I was no longer in that physical body. I felt like I was connected to everyone and everything. I was connected to the doctors who were treating me or my physical body; I felt connected to my family, my husband, my mother but every, not just them but everybody in that. I could feel their emotions; I could feel the helplessness and hopelessness of the doctors; I could feel that my mother was distraught; I could feel that my brother was really stressed out and was trying to get a flight so that he could reach me before I died. I could feel what they were feeling as though they were my feelings. And even though I could feel them as though they were my feelings, as I kept going further and further, I started to get emotionally detached, but I was still aware of what they were feeling.  

我想說的是我當時的感覺,因為我已經不在我的身體裏。我感覺我和所有的人和東西都是相通的。我和治療我,或者說是治療我身體的醫生相通; 我和我的家人相通,我先生、我母親,所有的人,不僅僅是他們。我可以感覺到他們的感受,我可以感覺到醫生的束手無策,我可以感覺我母親的心痛,我可以感覺到我哥哥的焦慮,他正設法搭上飛機,想在我死前來看我。我可以感覺到他們的感受,就好像是我自己的感覺。雖然我可以感覺到他們就像是我自己的感覺一樣,在我意識不斷擴張的同時,我的情緒開始淡化,不過我還是可以感覺到他們。 

And this is why I know that we're all connected and it's our physical bodies that has us believing that we are separate, that you and I are separate. And so very often we believe and we've been conditioned to believe that we're separate, but very often we're able to feel, we're able to empathize what people are feeling but we deny it, we deny it, and we use our mind to block those feelings, but in actuality, we are connected. Everything that I feel you can pick up; everything you feel I can pick up, more so if we're in close proximity, because we have these physical bodies that are preventing us from really expanding as much as we truly are capable of expanding without our physical bodies.


And I want to speak maybe a little bit more about the connection a little later, because to me the importance of being aware of the connection is one of the reasons that I like to remind you how important it is to love yourself and to find your joy. Why do I keep saying that, to laugh, to find joy, to find happiness, to come from a place of love and not from a place of fear is because we are all connected. Everybody around you is absorbing your energy and you are absorbing theirs. It's not about what you say, it's about who you are. That's what people are absorbing.


And it's so important, it's so important to know that you are a facet of the universal energy or God, whatever you'd like to call it. You are a facet of that expressing itself from behind your eyes. You're here for a purpose, and the more you know it, the more you're able to honor yourself, the stronger your energy will be, and that is what other people will pick up, and that is what they will model. But if you bring a fearful energy with you wherever you go, that's what other people will pick up, that's what your families will pick up from you. This is why it's so important to really to uplift yourself before trying to uplift anyone else.


If you're visiting people who are sick, uplift yourself before you bring yourself into their presence to make them feel better. So this is why it's so important that in order to heal the world we have to heal ourselves first, because we are all connected and we bring ourselves wherever we go, so that was one very important piece that I really wanted to share today, and it seems to be more important, more vital, to know this today than any other time before, at least in the last 11 years since I've had this experience.


*Judy H 譯 * 


2006年艾妮塔在與癌症纏鬥四年後陷入臨終昏迷。在醫生努力搶救之際,她進入了瀕死體驗,在鬼門關前她明白了生命的真相: 天堂不是一個地方,而是一個境界。當她醒來恢復意識後,她奇蹟似地復原,並在幾星期內完全康復 ! 從此她跟隨內心的呼召和全世界分享她驚人的故事和上天的啟示。這個最重要的啟示是: 「愛你自己如同你生命之所繫」,而這的確是事實。她寫了兩本書:「死過一次才學會愛」和「死過一次才學會愛自己: 原來,此生即是天堂」,並仍在持續創作中。讀者可以從她這段演講錄影了解她的背景、經歷和啟示

In 2006, Anita fell into a coma as her 4-year struggle with cancer was coming to an end. While doctors rushed to attend to her frail body, she entered into a near-death experience (NDE) where she discovered one of life’s greatest truths: Heaven is not a destination; it’s a state of being. When she regained consciousness, her cancer miraculously healed and she was free of disease within weeks! Since then, she’s heeded the call to share this powerful story—and divine lesson—with the world. The one most important lesson she learned from her unique experience is: “Love yourself like your life depends on it” and it does. She is the author of two books : “Dying To Be Me” and “What If This Is Heaven - How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth” and is working on her third one. You can watch this video to learn more about her, her NDE and the lessons she shares. 

Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show:
http://www. anitamoorjani.com


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