你的焦點在那裏 ? / What Do You Focus On ?


There is a Chinese saying that goes ““Out of 10 things in our daily life, eight or nine of them happen against our wishes.” After observing what happens in a day in my life, I found that it is the other way around. How about you? 


環視一下你現在所在的房間。試著記住你看到的所有「紅色」物品。然後把眼睛閉上。 閉上眼睛時,試著回想房間裏的「藍色」物品。現在張開你的眼睛。 再環視一下房間,看看在你將注意力放在紅色物品上時,你忽視了多少藍色的物品。

~ 出自艾妮塔‧穆札尼「死過一次才學會愛」


Try this exercise: Look around the room you’re in. Make note of the things that are color red. Now close your eyes. Keep them closed and try to recall as many things in the room that are the color blue. Now open your eyes. Look around the room and see how many blue things you missed while your flashlight was only focusing on the red items. 

~ From “Dying To Be Me” by Anita Moorjani

Is your flashlight focusing on the unpleasant experiences?

*Judy H 譯 *

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