如果能了解那宇宙之愛 (艾妮塔) / If Only We Knew We Are Loved (Anita Moorjani)

On January 25th on her regular Hay House radio show, my favorite spiritual teacher, Anita Moorjani, talked more about her near-death experience “on the other side” and shared what it has meant to her since she came back to her physical body. In this second part of her radio show, Anita described the “unconditional love” she felt in the other realm. Where did this love come from? What does this love mean to all of us who live in this world? If you have not read the first part of the radio show, here it is. If you are not familiar with Anita’s story, you can watch this video in which she talks about her near-death experience and how she recovered from her terminal illness. Many thanks to Davie Lin who provided the recording of her radio show.

我最喜愛的心靈老師艾妮塔‧穆札尼,1月25日在她每週固定的 Hay House網路廣播節目上再次談到她的瀕死經驗,分享了更多她在「另一邊」得到的啟示。在這第二部份的廣播內容裏,艾妮塔形容了她在另一個境界感受到的「無條件的愛」。這個愛是從那裏來的? 它對我們有什麼意義? 如果您還沒有讀過第一部份,可以點擊這裏。如果您不認識艾妮塔,可以先從這部影片了解她的瀕死經驗以及她如何死而復生。感謝網友林先生提供這段廣播節目的錄音。  

另一邊的訊息」第二集  /  "The Other Side" Part 2

The other thing that I felt was, I felt this feeling of love and it's a lot more. Love is actually not even a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling, and it's something so much stronger and I don't think there's a word for it in the English language. I use the word love or divine love or unconditional love, but even that's not strong enough. It's something so much more powerful what I felt in the other realm.


Because the love that we know here in this realm, what we're pretty familiar with is what we…um.. Many of us we mistake conditional love for love, but in actuality, if it's conditional, it's not love, but whereas, you know, we place a lot of conditions on our relationships, and on love, and we still call it love. In actuality, love is always unconditional, and I only really realize that and learned that when I crossed over. That was the first time I really felt this feeling that I was loved just because I exist, no other reason other than I exist.


 So who was I loved by?


 It felt as if I was loved by my greater self, my Higher Self, and also the whole universe. We can call it God but it was like a collective energy of everybody's higher self. It was a collective energy of all those who had never been born, who were deceased, who are guiding me, who were my spirit guides, angels, whatever we want to call them, my deceased family members. They… it felt like I was just loved and cared for so unconditionally and it was just the most beautiful, amazing feeling that I often wish everybody could get a glimpse of that, because then we would feel so safe, we would feel so safe and so, so trusting of events and things that happen.


Because what happens instead is that were so suspicious of everything and we act out of suspicion and when we are suspicious, the suspicion comes out of fear. What we do is, even when something, the people around us are acting benignly, we actually instill fear in them and we kind of change their behavior towards us. And this is something that gets perpetuated all the time, because we're all acting and reacting from the space of fear and from the space of not realizing that actually I am loved, I am protected, I am safe, I don't have to fear everything, I don't have to work everything out or think things through.


I have a..., I have like a spiritual group, or a spiritual board, a whole board room of spiritual people, a spiritual board that look after me, and they look after my interests. I just have to be clear in my own mind, or in my own self, as to what my purpose is, as to who I am. And they'll figure out the details. I don't have to work out the details, but whereas we get so lost and so stuck in the details, and we get so lost in the trivia of life and then in arguing with people and in suspecting people and so on, whereas in actuality, we don't have to worry about those things. All those things take care of themselves, and it only took dying for me to realize that. I realized that I had spent a lifetime of worrying about the details, worrying about what everyone else thinks of me, worrying about not being good enough, worrying about not being beautiful enough, worrying about not being successful enough, and so on, and just about everything that society and our culture and our advertisers lead you to believe.


I would worry about my health, because again that's something else our medical system, our medical paradigm, let's call it that, there's no individual or company that's to blame, but it's the paradigm, the medical paradigm we created leads us to believe that if we don't work at our health, we're going to be sick. In actuality, that's another area that I learned is more powerful than my mind is capable of conceiving is that, there is this whole spiritual boardroom up there that's taking care of my health and my physical well-being, and I just have to stop interfering. I don't need to intervene at every little thing that my body does. My body has the wisdom.


Because the other thing I realized when I there, I was so loved, I was so loved. I had thought before I crossed over that my body had failed me, but in that realm I realized it had not, that my body communicates with me all the time. It's smarter than me; it's smarter than my mind. I had constantly been my own worst enemy, and my body, my physical body was actually trying to communicate with me and it was not destroying itself. I was the one getting in the way beating myself up, and when I realized, when I realized that who I am is love, we all are, you are, I am, we all are, we are all expressions with this love.


We've come here to express who we are. When I realized that, and when I realized that I can trust, I can trust the universe, I can trust my health, my physical body, I don't have to intervene with everything, that's when I started to be able to let go. And I realized that when I let go, when I stopped working at everything, there's so much more energy that's available for you, for you and so much more energy available for your physical body to heal if you're dealing with any challenges.


So the key here is to realize that you are loved, you are loved beyond what you're capable of conceiving, and when you truly know this and I don't know why this is not taught to us and drummed into us from the time we were little. So if you have kids, please teach them that. And I will be working on a children's book this year with my dear friend Angie DeMuro (published in September 2017), and we will be putting out a children's book to tell children this that they are loved, they are love, they need to know this so that all this stuff that happens to people, like what happened to me can stop happening or happens less and less, so this is, the is really important.


So we when you know this, when you know that we are loved beyond what we are capable of comprehending, you operate in the world in a very different way. Sadly we don't have many role models for us to really learn from, and this is why I'm so determined to share this message, and I would love for all of you to help me in sharing this message, if you feel that anyone can benefit from any of the things I say. You know, please direct them to through the radio show or even to any of my Facebook videos or anything like that, because I just keep putting it out there, putting it out there because I really feel the world needs to hear it now.


*Judy H 譯 *


2006年艾妮塔在與癌症纏鬥四年後陷入臨終昏迷。在醫生努力搶救之際,她進入了瀕死體驗,在鬼門關前她明白了生命的真相: 天堂不是一個地方,而是一個境界。當她醒來恢復意識後,她奇蹟似地復原,並在幾星期內完全康復 ! 從此她跟隨內心的呼召和全世界分享她驚人的故事和上天的啟示。這個最重要的啟示是: 「愛你自己如同你生命之所繫」,而這的確是事實。她寫了兩本書:「死過一次才學會愛」和「死過一次才學會愛自己: 原來,此生即是天堂」,並仍在持續創作中。讀者可以從她這段演講錄影了解她的背景、經歷和啟示

About Anita Moorjani
In 2006, Anita fell into a coma as her 4-year struggle with cancer was coming to an end. While doctors rushed to attend to her frail body, she entered into a near-death experience (NDE) where she discovered one of life’s greatest truths: Heaven is not a destination; it’s a state of being. When she regained consciousness, her cancer miraculously healed and she was free of disease within weeks! Since then, she’s heeded the call to share this powerful story—and divine lesson—with the world. The one most important lesson she learned from her unique experience is: “Love yourself like your life depends on it” and it does. She is the author of two books : “Dying To Be Me” and “What If This Is Heaven - How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth” and is working on her third one. You can watch this video to learn more about her, her NDE and the lessons she shares. 

Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show:
http://www. anitamoorjani.com


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