心理的故事 : 我「走過」情緒 / Going Through My Emotions

By Judy H


I went for a routine dental cleaning the other day. Seeing a dentist was never a pleasant experience for me so it upsets me a little every time I need to go see him.


Before the cleaning began, I agreed to have x-rays taken on my teeth because it was last done three years ago. The cleaning went well and the dentist found a “possible” cavity that he said we could put on hold until my next visit. This finding stirred my feelings as I expected to get a clean bill since I had very carefully taken care of my teeth during the past six months.


I didn’t want this possible cavity to turn into a bigger issue so I decided to have it fixed right away. The dentist also patched up three other places where the lower parts of the teeth were exposed due to the receding gums. I felt a little tired after keeping my mouth open for 90 minutes.


At the end of these operations, it was time to look at my x-rays. It was not a pretty scene. The x-rays showed that I had receding gums and bone loss in a few areas. I could feel my unsettling feeling becoming fearful as I got concerned. “You can consider having a deep cleaning,” casually said the dentist.

「深度洗牙? 那是什麼? 我從來沒有聽過。」我開始有點緊繃。

“Deep cleaning? What is that? I never heard of it.” I began to feel a little nervous.


“It cleans deeper on the teeth below the gumline. It will cause pain so we will need to numb your teeth if you decide to do it,” said the dentist. 


I felt the feeling of fear rising up to my throat as the dentist was explaining this scary procedure to me. 


The dreadful picture of having a dental deep cleaning was playing in my head as I was on my way home. I did research on the Internet the minute I got home and of course, my focus was on all the possible negative impact this procedure might have on my precious teeth. 


Feeling my mood spiraling down, I decided to close the Internet to prepare dinner. While the worry about my teeth subsided for that night, it did not really go away. 

第二天晚上吃飽飯沒事做,我又想起了牙齒的事,決定找先生商量一下。但是討論的結果不僅沒有消除我的恐懼,反而讓我覺得焦慮和沮喪。我覺得好有挫折感,而且很生氣。怎麼搞的,我還是有那麼多恐懼,過去的學習心得到那裏去了? 我為什麼不能像別人一樣那麼冷靜?

The next day after dinner when my mind had nothing better to think about, this dental issue came back to bother me. I decided to turn to my husband for help but the discussion with him only pushed my fear to anxiety and then to depression. I was feeling anger and frustration with myself. What’s wrong with me? Why do I still have so much fear after all my learning and realizations? Why haven’t I learned to keep my head like everyone else? 

也就是說當我心懷恐懼的時候,我開始責備自己搞不定牙齒的問題和自己的情緒。恐懼本身沒有那麼可怕,真正可怕能把我們推到情緒谷底的是我們對自己的責備和不滿 !

So while experiencing fear, I was blaming myself for not being able to cope with this dental problem and my emotions. Fear itself was not so powerful; it was the blaming and frustration with myself that pushed me over the edge! 


I was ready to burst into tears but tried to hold them back because I was supposed to meet with my neighbor in a few minutes and I didn’t want to go out with red and swollen eyes. 


I managed to hold up my emotions and quickly finished the conversation with my neighbor. Back to my bedroom, I burst into tears. With the tears running down my cheeks so were all my bad feelings out of my chest. I felt all the negative energy that had been swelling up inside my body was released with my tears. In the next 10 minutes, I was regaining my senses. The following day I was able to think about the strategies to deal with my dental issue. Not only did my crying release my emotions, it eased my worry about my teeth. 

後來當我回頭看這件事時,我明白了艾妮塔‧穆札尼所說的:『「走出」恐懼最好的方法是「走過」它。』 憂慮、苦惱甚至想辦法去對抗情緒都是沒有用的,我真正需要的是大哭一場。但是我一開始並不想這麼做,因為我認為用哭面對情緒是不恰當、不成熟的行為。

Later when I looked back on this incident, I realized what Anita Moorjani meant when she said “the best way out of fear is to go through it." All the time I was fretting, agonizing and even trying to fight off my emotions, I should have just given myself a good cry. Instead, I tried to hold it because I didn’t think it was a proper and mature way to handle my emotions.

也許是不成熟,也許是孩子氣,但我應該在乎別人的看法,壓抑自己的情緒? 還是應該愛我自己,用自己認為最有效的辦法去釋放它?

Well, it may not be “mature” and look childish to other people, but should I really care about what they think of me and suppress my feelings? Or should I love myself and do what I feel like to release the emotions?


Facing up to our emotions can be scary and each of us handles them differently. It may be going out for a run, mopping the floor, talking to a friend, baking a cake, punching a pillow, crying like me or even screaming in your car with the windows rolled down. Whatever it is, as long as it helps you release your emotions and does not harm yourself or other people, go and do it to “walk through your emotions.” It is your life so let you be the owner of your emotions. 


Above all, let’s try to love ourselves when we go through difficult feelings. They are not really harmful. It is the judging, blaming and hating of ourselves that will push us over the cliff! 


1. 心情不好的時候不要批評或責備自己。這時更需要疼惜自己。
2. 允許自己用一個安全有效的方式「走過」情緒,不用在乎別人的眼光。

So what are the two lessons I learned from this experience? 

1. Don’t judge or blame myself when I go through difficult feelings. What I need is to love myself even more at a time like this. 
2. Allow myself to deal with my emotions in a safe and effective way, without the need for other people’s approval. 


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