順其自然 / Let Life Flow Through You

你有注意到嗎? 當你不再強求生活按你的預期和要求發展時,你的日子會變得比較平靜而且輕鬆? 你認為事情一定要如你所願你才會快樂嗎? 試試看放下你個人的意願,讓一個更驚人的生活開始展現。有沒有發現,當你選擇放下時,真正屬於你的生活和奇妙恩典才會出現。

– 出自「吉米‧奈思理的沈靜之美」

Have you noticed that when you stop trying to force life to fit your expectations and wants, then life becomes less dramatic and much easier? Do you think the only way you can be happy is to have things your way? For a little while, be willing to surrender your personal will and allow something larger to take it's place. Notice how life, how grace, has always been waiting for your surrender so that it can truly bring you to life. -IS— and Jimmy Nicely

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