米雅的夢 / Mia’s Dream

我要像這隻鳥一樣開心自在! /  I want to be as free and joyful as this bird !


一個夢… 用一個故事和對話來呈現

A dream … presented in a form of story and conversation.

By Judy H


A big project is going to kick off involving Mia in an overwhelming way. Mia is not sure that she wants to be part of that project. 

在過去近十年,米雅一直從事會計的工作,現任職一家全球頂尖的科技公司。這份工作也許會令不少會計師羨慕 -- 她和一群菁英共事,待遇很好,前途似錦。不過在過去這一年,米雅有個「奇怪」的現象。常常工作到一半,她心裏會冒出一個突兀的感覺,好像在告訴她:「這不是你該做的事。」每次這個感覺一上來,心有所感的米雅會反問:「那我應該做什麼? 我還可以靠什麼維生?」

Mia has been working as an accountant for almost 10 years and is now employed with a top global technology company. That would be a dream job for many accountants – a job where you work with many talents with a good pay and promising career. However, over the past year, Mia has been feeling “funny” about her work. Very often in the middle of doing something, Mia would feel a nudge in her heart that seems to say: “You shouldn’t be doing this.” Every time this little voice comes up, Mia would recognize it and ask back: “But what should I be doing instead? What else can I do to make a living?


When this big project was announced, Mia knew that it was going to create a lot of stress. She is OK being an accountant, but she knows deep down that she is not enthusiastic about accounting. And probably because she is not passionate about crunching numbers, the stress level sometimes is high for her.


Mia is really not looking forward to working on that project, and the more she hears about it, the louder is the nudging voice. While taking some time off, Mia receives an email from her supervisor informing everyone on the team that someone is leaving. “I should be the one who leaves!” Mia shouts out in her head. She can longer ignore the inner voice that tells her to do something else. Three days later when Mia goes back to work, she turns in her resignation letter.

離開一份讓她每天睡眠不足、喘不過氣的工作,頓時讓米雅覺得好自由好輕鬆。不過這種自由開心的感覺沒有維持很久,因為米雅開始為不再分擔家計感到有些罪惡感。她開始思考:「我下一步該怎麼做? 我現在該做什麼?」

It feels liberated and relieved to leave a job that has deprived Mia of so many hours of sleep and stifled her with constant stress. However, the feeling of freedom and joy does not last very long before Mia starts to feel guilty about no longer making a financial contribution to her family. She begins to ponder: “What should I do next? What am I supposed to do now?”


Mia realizes that the voice she has been hearing urges her to do something that she is passionate about. She also believes that she came to this world for a purpose and she wants to make a right choice to fulfill that purpose. However, no matter how hard she tries, she can’t figure it out.


“What if what I like to do doesn’t make any money?” Mia asks the Universe in disappointment. 

她開始在兩個聲音中掙扎: 一個是她的自我,拉開嗓門呼喚她去追求名利,另一個來自她的內心深處,悄悄地向她透露她真正想做的事。米雅在重拾會計和想做的事之間猶豫不決。她很害怕會做出一個錯誤的決定,走上一個不屬於她的道路。

She finds herself struggling with two competing voices – one from her ego that shouts loudly for fame and money, and the other from her heart whispering to her what she really likes. She battles between the ideas of going back to accounting and doing something she likes. She is afraid of making a wrong decision that would lead her astray from her true path.


Her fear starts to grow and eat into her peace. “No, I can’t live with this fear any longer. This is going to kill me,” putting her arms around her head, Mia hears her saying. In order to dispel this fearful thought and calm herself down, she decides to try self-affirmation, by saying to herself: “I am loved; I am guided. I am loved; I am guided.” 

接下來的幾天,米雅每天重覆對自己說這些話。說也奇怪… 它居然發生效果。米雅開始覺得平靜下來,對未來也感到比較放心。

In the following days, Mia repeats this to herself many times a day. And somehow… it works. She begins to feel more peaceful with a sense of trust. 


Then one night she has a dream. In it, she meets someone who answers her nagging questions. She doesn’t know who that person is but she feels that she goes to him for guidance.

米雅: 我不知道該怎麼辦,我需要幫助。我接下來的人生該做什麼? 我人生的目的是什麼?

MIA: I’m confused and need help. What am I supposed to do with my life? What is my purpose?

智者: 你可以做任何你想做的事。做什麼都好。

WISE MAN: You can do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter. 

米雅: 呃-? 這是什麼意思? 我想要做宇宙要我做的事。

MIA: Huh? What do you mean? I want to do what the Universe wants me to do. 

智者: 沒有人有權利告訴你要怎麼做。你對你的人生有完全的主宰權。你的人生在你的手上。這個權利在你身上。無論你選擇做什麼,你的人生都會一樣燦爛美好。你做什麼都可以。

WISE MAN: There is no authority to tell you what you need to do. You have full authority over your life. Your life is in your hands. The power is with you. No matter what you choose to do, your life will always be glorious and magnificent. What you do doesn’t make a difference. 

米雅: 但是我想賺錢,同時做我喜歡的事。

MIA: But I want to make money and do something I enjoy.

智者: 那麼就跟隨你的心意吧。

WISE MAN: Then follow your heart. 

米雅: 如果我喜歡做的事賺不到錢怎麼辦?

MIA: What if what I like doesn’t generate a good income?

智者: 你可以在金錢和快樂兩者間取捨。我不是說這兩者不能共存。但是如果你不能同時擁有兩者,你可以選擇你想經歷什麼。如果你選擇金錢,它會給你某一種經歷,雖然那可能不會很愉快。如果你選擇快樂,你就會經歷快樂。這是一個選擇。

WISE MAN: You can make a choice between money and happiness. I don’t mean that the two cannot co-exist. But if you can’t have both at the same time, you can decide what you want to experience. If you choose money, it will give you one kind of experience, which may be unpleasant. If you choose happiness, you will experience happiness. It’s a choice. 

米雅: 可是要放棄賺錢的念頭很難,畢竟人都要活下去。

MIA: It’s hard to let go of the desire to make money. We all have to live.

智者: 你的心會指引你。跟隨你的心,就是跟隨宇宙的指引。除非你選擇跟隨你的心,否則你不會知道宇宙為你的人生預備了什麼。還有,不要忘記,當你到另外一個世界時,你不會帶走任何一樣物質的東西,你只會帶著你心靈裏的東西

WISE MAN: Your heart is always guiding you. When you follow your heart, you are following that guidance from the Universe. And you don’t know what the Universe has in store for you until you follow it to find out. Besides, keep in mind that you cannot bring any material things with you when you go to the other world. You only bring what’s in your soul with you. 

米雅: 如果我作了錯誤的選擇怎麼辦?

MIA: What if I make a mistake in my choice?

智者: 沒有錯誤這回事,一切都只是體驗。如果你不喜歡某個體驗,你可以創造不同的體驗。沒有人會評斷你,沒有對和錯。你來這裏是為了體驗,是為了儘量讓自己開心。沒有什麼事是你該做或不該做的。沒有任何標準來衡量你,沒有你需要達到的目標,除非你選擇要有。所有你認為你必須達到的標準都是你的社會,這個物質世界所設定的。你是一個自由的靈魂,不受任何規範的約束。

WISE MAN: There are no mistakes. They are all just experiences. If you don’t like one experience, you can create a different one. There is no one to judge you. There is no right or wrong. You are here to experience and to have fun if you can, and there are no certain things you should or shouldn’t do. There are no criteria to measure you with; there are no goals you need to achieve unless you choose to have them. All the criteria that you think you have to meet are created by your society, the physical world. You are a free soul that is not limited by any criteria. 

米雅: 你是說,即使我失敗了也不用責怪自己嗎?

MIA: Are you saying that I shouldn’t judge myself, even when I fail? 

智者: 也沒有失敗這回事。像一個學走路的孩子,如果他跌倒了,你會說他失敗了嗎? 你會責備他跌倒嗎? 如果他一再跌倒,你會對他失去耐心嗎?

WISE MAN: There is also no such thing as failure. Like a child who is learning to walk, if she falls, would you call that a failure? Would you blame her for falling? And if she falls again and again, would you lose patience with her? 

米雅: 但可能我的決定將來會為我自己帶來很大的痛苦。

MIA: But I could end up making a choice that would give me a lot of grief. 

智者: 那也沒有關係。那只是一個體驗,那個體驗會帶領你到另一個體驗,然後另一個體驗等等。你的體驗不會是永久的,你可以改變它。

所有的體驗都是同樣真切和重要的。無論你是積極地在完成一件事,或是安靜地坐在一旁發呆,你都是在「充實地」過日子。人生中沒有那一段時間是比其他時間重要的。你做的事並不重要,重要的是你的心境 -- 如果你的目的是要在這世上享有平安和喜樂。如果你有平安喜樂,你生命的每一刻都是光彩奪目,可喜可賀。

WISE MAN: That’s OK. That would just be another experience. That experience will lead you to the next experience, and the next experience, etc. Your experience is not permanent so you can change it. 

All experiences are equally true and important. Whether you are “productive” in getting something done or you are simply sitting there quietly with yourself doing nothing, in either case you are living your life FULLY. No specific time in your life is more important than other times. It’s not what you do that’s important, it’s your state of mind that matters, if you want to experience peace and joy in your world. If you have peace and joy, every moment of your life is glorious and worth celebrating. 

米雅: 如何才能擁有平安和喜樂?

MIA: How do I have peace and joy?

智者: 它們來自你的內心。所以你要認識你的心,然後緊緊地跟隨它。

WISE MAN: They come from your heart. So you need to know your heart and follow it closely. 

米雅: 認識心的什麼?

MIA: What to know about my heart?

智者: 認識你喜歡做什麼,什麼會讓你開心,了解主宰生命的力量在你的心裏。

WISE MAN: To know what you like to do and what makes you happy. To know that the power is within you. 

米雅: 但有時要跟隨自己的心意很難,因為我耽心別人會怎麼看我,我不喜歡和別人不一樣。

MIA: But sometimes it’s hard to follow my heart because I’m afraid of what other people would think of me. I don’t like to be different. 

智者: 那很正常,因為你是這樣被培育長大的。我剛才說過,你是來這裏體驗的。有些時候你會覺得很難做你自己,但是你總會有下一刻或下一個機會去嘗試不同的作法。這是為什麼生命的每一刻都是恩賜,因為在每一刻你都可以隨意去創造。如果這一刻你很生氣,下一刻你可以選擇平靜下來。

WISE MAN: That is normal because you were brought up that way. Again, you are here to experience. There will be times when you feel uncomfortable being yourself, but you always have the next moment or opportunity to do it differently. That’s why every moment of your life is a gift because in it you get to create what you want to create. If you are angry this moment, you can choose to have peace the next moment. 

米雅: 我不確定生命是一個恩賜。

MIA: I’m not sure that I see life as a gift. 

智者: 如果你能夠做你自己並且做你喜歡的事,你的人生會開始變得有意義,會開始感覺像一份恩賜。 

WISE MAN: If you can be yourself and do things you like to do, your life will become meaningful and start to feel like a gift. 


The Wise Man starts to fade away….


As Mia is waking up from her dream, she is feeling very euphoric. The feeling she experienced in her dream was very profound and it takes Mia a couple of weeks to understand all its meanings. 


The inner struggle Mia had is finally over. She starts to see herself as a free spirit – free to follow her heart and make her own decisions and free of any judgment and limits. 


關於作/譯者 Judy H
因為不認識自己,不知道愛自己,一直走在尋覓療癒的路上,然後認識了艾妮塔‧穆札尼。聽到她的訊息有分享的衝動,於是建立了這個網站幫助自己也幫助別人。對認識心靈和愛自己的內容特別感興趣。喜歡寫譯相關文章,和志同道合的人分享,讓更多的人陪我一起走在這條讓人興奮感動的路上 😊

About Judy H
Coming from a place where I didn’t know myself, not to mention loving myself, I have been on a quest to heal myself until I came to know Anita Moorjani. When I did, I felt the urge to share her message. Therefore, I created this blog to help myself and other people. I am interested in getting to know my soul and learning to love it. I like to translate and write inspiring stories and share them with like-minded people so that I have company on this exciting and loving journey 😊

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