猶豫的情緒背後 / The Message Behind Unpleasant Feelings


作/譯者 By:  Judy H

前幾天我從後院的果樹上摘了很多水果,我們家是吃不完的,於是心想「 分給鄰居吧」。這麼想的同時我有點猶豫,因為當時時間是傍晚6:45,或許人家正在晚餐呢。這時出現在他們家門口很冒昧吧?!

Just the other day I harvested a lot of fruits from trees in my backyard. They were a lot more than my family could consume. “Maybe I can share with our neighbors,“ I thought. At the same time I was debating if it was appropriate to knock on their doors around 6:45 pm when people might be having dinner. I felt a bit awkward picturing myself standing at their doors.


We all have experiences when we have a desire to do something but feel hesitant about doing it because we are not sure if it is going to make us look bad to other people. For example, you have longed to learn to play the guitar but have been procrastinating to find a class or teacher. You aren’t feeling so sure about taking a lesson because you worry it is going to be difficult and you don’t have confidence in yourself.


Another example would be that your friend asks you if you could do her a favor by taking care of her cat while she is away on a business trip. You have been feeling stressed lately with your work and family but you find it hard to say “no” because this friend has helped you in the past. You feel that turning down her request will make you a bad person.


Other examples may be that you want to ask someone out but you are afraid of being rejected. Or there is an issue at work and you want to talk to your supervisor about it but you aren’t sure how to bring it up so you can get help without looking bad.

以上這些例子都和擔心某種「結果」有關。如果我失敗了呢? 如果朋友誤解我了呢? 如果我看起來很蠢呢? 如果我這麼做或說這些話他們會怎麼看我呢?

All of the above examples involve some kind of worry about “the consequences.” What if I fail?  What if my friend misunderstands me? What if I look like a fool? What would they think of me if I say or do this?  


It looks like it is the possibility of a negative outcome of the event that deters us from taking the action in our mind. We don’t like failures, we don’t like to be rejected and we don’t want to be considered a bad person. On the surface, we are afraid of having failures but I wonder if what we find it hard to cope with is the “unpleasant feelings” that come with the undesired outcome.


We don’t want to feel embarrassed when we say something inappropriate, we don’t want to feel vulnerable when people reject us, and we don’t want to feel frustrated and helpless when we speak up but don’t get support from our work supervisor.  These unpleasant feelings are often disguised by the general descriptor - fear or anxiety.

回到先前我舉的例子,我對去敲鄰居的門這件事感到猶豫。當我躊躇不前時,我心裏在想什麼? 「如果打擾了他們吃飯很不好意思吧?」「如果我不知道該說什麼怎麼辦?」「如果他們覺得我的突然出現很打擾怎麼辦?

Back to my scenario where I felt hesitant about knocking on my neighbors’ doors - what was going on in my mind when I felt hesitant about doing it? “What if I interrupt their dinner and I need to apologize?” “What if I say something awkward?” “What if they think I am intrusive by showing up at their doors?”


I felt I didn’t even want to see surprise on their faces when they opened the doors. I don’t like being put in the spotlight and I don’t want a tiny chance of looking bad in front of other people.  I think I was feeling shame, embarrassment and vulnerability when I pictured myself showing up at my neighbors’ doorsteps.

當我意識到自己在猶豫時,我和自己有了一段對話: 「我在擔心什麼?」「我為什麼會在意他們怎麼看我?」「即使他們覺得我打擾到他們了,又如何呢…?」「我需要在意他們對我的評價嗎?」「我需要認同他們對我的看法嗎?」當下我明白了,我其實不夠肯定和愛自己。萬一鄰居不歡迎我的臨時到訪,因此對我產生負面的看法,我沒有信心我可以堅定地和自己站在一起,仍然堅信自己是個好人。幾分鐘之內我就得到了這個結論: 「我不應該讓別人對我的意見決定我的行動,我應該站穩立場,支持並相信自己是個什麼樣的人。」

When I was aware of my hesitation, I started a dialogue with myself: “What do I care?” “Why am I concerned about how they might look at me?” “Even if they consider me intrusive, so…?” “Do I need to take on their judgement about me?” “Do I need to see myself the way they see me?” At that moment, I realized I wasn’t supporting and loving myself as much as I wanted to. I didn’t have the confidence that should my neighbors unwelcome my abrupt visit and therefore hold a negative view about me, I was able to stand firm by myself and still believe that I am a good person. Within minutes, I reached a conclusion: “I shouldn’t let other people’s opinions about me determine my action and I should stand by and support who I am.”


Once I had this figured out, I grabbed the fruit I had bagged and went knocking on several of my neighbors’ doors. I think I was observing how they reacted to my surprise visit but I decided I would believe in myself no matter what I saw on their faces. Of course, I had misjudged my neighbors and all of them happily accepted my gifts.


This is just a small and insignificant incident, nothing like more important life events, such as taking a college entrance exam or relocating to another country, but it is these trivial episodes that make up the majority of our lifetime. They happen every day as we interact with someone at work, go shopping, see a doctor, call a friend, dine at a restaurant, sign up for a class, etc.


Every minute we are exposed to the world, things can happen to trigger our feelings. While we tend to think that it is what happens - the situation - that determines our mental state, I start to see that it is the feelings - how we react to the situations emotionally - that determine the quality of our lives.


The moment we think what we are going to do or say will make us look bad to other people, we are trapped in our imaginary unpleasant feelings and we become hesitant in taking the action that our soul desires for its growth, whether it’s communicating a difficult issue to our boss at work or taking a class to learn a new skill.

為什麼我們會產生不舒服的感覺,而且讓它勝過了自己靈魂的渴望? 這是我的經歷 當我陷入了假想的不愉快情緒當中時,我讓別人的眼光變成了自己的,而且我開始懷疑我就是他們所認為的那種人。我沒有守護好自己,我認同了我所以為在他們心中的形象。在開始擔心別人會如何看我的那一刻,我對我自己真正是誰失去了愛和信心。

Why do we experience unpleasant feelings and let them win over our soul’s desires? This is what I experienced – the moment I fall into an illusory unpleasant feeling, I let other people’s judgement become my own and I begin to suspect that I am exactly what they think I am. I drop the support for myself and become agreeable to the image of the person I think I will become in their minds. In the moment of fearing what other people may look at me, I lose the love and confidence about who I truly am.

也許你們曾經聽過身邊有人這樣說:「我不管了,我就是要這樣做。」面對別人的反對,他們所展現的是對自己完全的愛和信任。當他們說「我不管了」時,我並不是指他們不在乎一個不理想的結果可能帶來的實質後果,例如失去一份工作或一筆財富。我指的是他們不在乎那個結果是不是會對他們產生不愉快的情緒。我同意心理專家瓊安‧羅森伯格的看法 - 當我們能夠不在乎或克服我們的行為所可能帶來的不愉快情緒時,我們就可以無所畏懼地去採取我們想要採取的行動。

I wonder if you have the experience of hearing a friend or someone say: “I don’t care. I’m just going to do it.” What that person demonstrates is a total trust and love for herself/himself in the face of other people’s objection. When that person says he or she doesn’t care, I am not referring to the physical consequences of an undesirable outcome, such as losing a job or a big fortune. I am referring to the risk of going through unpleasant feelings. I agree with psychologist Dr. Joan Rosenberg that it is when we overlook or overcome the unpleasant feelings that may come with the undesired outcome of our action we will fearlessly take that action.

話雖如此,我了解大多數的人無法時時刻刻對別人的看法毫不在乎,因為我們是人,而且我們的成長方式讓我們養成了渴望別人認同的心理。我不知道是否有這麼一天我會足夠地愛自己,因而可以勇敢地去做我想做的事或說我想說的話。也許我這一輩子都會不斷地在靈魂的嚮往和想打退堂鼓保護自己的念頭之間猶豫徘徊。但每當我意識到落入這種猶豫時,我可以停下來和自己對話 提醒自己要支持、守護並選擇自己的靈魂。也就是我可以有意識的選擇愛自己的靈魂,超越自己不安的念頭。

Having said that, I understand that for most of us, it is almost impossible to always ignore other people’s opinions about us because we are human and we were brought up yearning for other people’s validations. I don’t know if I will ever become so “loving myself” that I will be able to do or say whatever I want. It is possible that I will always have that struggle between my soul who wants to soar and my mind who wants to withdraw to avoid being hurt. But whenever I become aware of the struggle, I know I can pause and have a dialogue with myself – reminding me to support, love and honor my soul. It is a conscious choice to override the fear of my mind with the love for my soul.

你是否曾經見過一個人本來很害怕去做一件事,一件對自己或別人很好的事,然後突然提起勇氣去做那件事? 在他們提起勇氣的瞬間,他們是卯足了對自己的愛,因而化解了忐忑不安的心理,採取了那個利己利人的行動。同樣地,一個奮不顧身衝進火場拯救自己孩子的母親,當下她對孩子的愛超越了自己置身危險的恐懼,儘管她也許絲毫沒有猶豫。每次當我們鼓起勇氣去做一件事時,我們是跨越了恐懼走入一個愛的能量之中。愛讓我們從退縮之中找到勇氣。

Have you ever seen a person who has been afraid to do something for a good cause suddenly takes up the courage to do it? The moment they call up their courage, they are summoning up love for themselves because it overcomes their fear to do something that will benefit themselves or other people. This is the same when a mother rushes into the house on fire to rescue her child without fear. At that moment, the mother’s love for her child overcomes her fear of putting herself in danger, although it probably doesn’t take a second for her to reach that decision. Every time we become brave to do something, we go beyond our fear to a place of love. Love shifts our withdrawal to courage.

每當我們猶豫是否要採取一個對自己有益的行動時,也許可以探討一下那個猶豫的心情。如果我要採取的行動結果不如預期,我是否會覺得難過、難為情、失望或生氣? 為什麼我會有那種感覺?

Every time we feel hesitant about doing or saying something for our good, it is worth exploring the feelings behind the hesitation. Would I feel vulnerable, ashamed, disappointed or angry if my action risks looking bad? Why would I have those feelings?


If we can understand and handle the unpleasant feelings that hold us back from taking an action, by standing firm with our own values and worth, we can pursue anything we want in our lives without hesitation.



"Our feelings about ourselves are actually the most important barometer for determining the condition of our lives."      

艾妮塔‧穆札尼 / Anita Moorjani


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