專注在自己上 / Focus On Yourself

作/譯者 By:  Judy H


In this volatile world where things seem to change as quickly as the gas price, holding on to permanence and security becomes a mission impossible. Life becomes more fluid and people no longer stay with one job, one company or even one career in their lifetimes as their ancestors did. Layoffs as a result of economic recessions and changes of business are happening everywhere. People begin to worry about their job because with the job comes the money and everything we need in our lives. Job means security.


Peter is one of those people who are worried about losing his job. He has a family of four to support and he works hard to make sure that the company sees him as a valuable employee and will keep him as long as possible. He works overtime and goes extra miles, but he is nervous. He has seen so many layoffs in business downturns that he feels he has to be really good at what he does in order to keep his job. This is important because he has two little kids and his wife is a stay-at-home mom. His income is crucial to the survival of his family. 


Yet the way he works and the role he sees himself play as the sole breadwinner of his family makes it difficult for Peter to relax. He lives like a stretched rubber band that over time starts to experience stress and fatigue. He begins to have nightmares at night that disrupt his sleep and because of the lack of sleep, he develops a headache. With the constant headache, he becomes irritated and impatient. He makes more mistakes at work which make him feel upset and mad about himself. When his wife asks him “what’s wrong,” Peter only gets irritated and loses his temper on her. His kids notice the change with their dad and they stop asking him to play with them. Peter becomes sullen and unhappy. One day he feels under the weather and is diagnosed with some health issue. Luckily…it is not something serious.


“What’s wrong with me?” Peter finally asks himself. “I was not like this before. I used to be a carefree guy and was not afraid of anything. I could relax even with tons of work in front of me. How come I don’t know how to relax anymore?”


“Because you are not focused on yourself anymore. You are focused on your family,” Peter hears a voice in him.


“Before you got married, you were just by yourself. You didn’t worry about anyone but yourself. Now you worry about your family. You are afraid that without your income, you will not be able to put food on the table and your wife will need to go and find a job,” the voice continues.


“You care so much about them that you start to have fear for them,” the voice says.


“But I love them so I did what I did,” Peter answers.


“Love and fear are one thing. When you love something so much, you begin to worry about losing or hurting it. When you begin to worry, your love becomes fear,” the voice explains.


“How do I NOT make my love become fear?” Peter asks.


“Re-focus back on yourself. When you focus on yourself and do things for your own sake – that is, things that you feel like doing and make you happy, you live from a place of love, because joy and love are one thing. Yet when you shift your focus onto someone else, when you try to make other people happy, that love becomes fear,” the voice says.

「為什麼呢? 難道我不能愛別人嗎?」彼德感到不解。

“How come? Does that mean I can’t love another person?” Peter wonders.

「往往,當你對別人的關心超過你對自己的關心,當你努力想讓別人快樂時,你變成把別人的快樂看得比自己的快樂重要。發生這種情形時,你一定會變得不快樂,因為你失去了自己。當別人的快樂凌駕在你的快樂之上時,你的愛就變成了恐懼,因為你害怕別人會不快樂,但其實頭一個會不快樂的是 - 你自己。」聲音對彼德解釋。

“Very often when you care someone more than you do yourself, when you try hard to make them happy, you are making their happiness more important than yours, and when this happens, you inevitably become unhappy because you are losing yourself. When their happiness overrides yours, your love becomes fear, because you are afraid to make them unhappy, but the first person to become unhappy is - you,” the voice explains.

「那麼,我該怎麼做? 我該如何去愛他們,才不會讓自己不快樂呢?」彼德問。

“Then what should I do? How do I love them without making myself unhappy?” Peter asks.

「如我剛才所說,把注意力重新放回到你自己身上。不要擔心你身邊的人,包括你所愛的人。先讓你自己快樂。難道你不認為,如果你快樂了,你身邊的人也會跟著快樂嗎? 無論你賺了多少錢,是你的感受 – 你的能量 – 決定你的快樂和你生活的品質。人們過於重視物質,他們所擁有的東西。他們以為那些東西會讓他們快樂。東西不會讓他們快樂,除非他們先-覺得-快樂。快樂的能量必須先-存在。沒有一個快樂的心境狀態,你創造的任何物質,包括金錢,都不會讓你快樂。」

“As I said, re-focus back onto yourself. Don’t worry about the people around you, including those you love. Make yourself happy first. Don’t you think that if you are happy, those who are around you will be happy, too? It doesn’t matter how much money you make. It is how you feel – your energy – that determines how happy you are, or the quality of your life. People often put too much value on the physical stuff, the things they own. They think the stuff will make them happy. It will, but not when you don’t FEEL happy. The happy energy has to BE there first. Without a happy state of BEING, nothing created physically, including money, can make you happy.”


“I think I know what I should do now. I understand what it means to focus on myself now,” Peter nods his head with a great relief. He finally feels a sense of relaxation.


 “’Seek your own happiness first and others’ shall follow, and if you love someone, don’t make them love you more than they love themselves,” the voice whispers… as Peter feels a gentle breeze brushing by his face.

* 寫譯 By: Judy H *


「為人服務的最高形式,是先照顧好自己,愛自己,讓自己開心,讓自己快樂,讓你的 -存在本身 - 就是提供身邊所有人的一種服務。而自私的最高形式,我們往往沒有察覺,是讓自己消耗殆盡,還以為我這麼疲乏,是因為我為了每個人鞠躬盡粹,我為了每個人服務。事實上,你疲乏到別人需要用他們的能量來支援你。」 
~ 艾妮塔‧穆札尼 / 2018-6-13網路廣播節目《宗教信仰和規範會影響死後的世界嗎?》

“The ultimate form of service is to take care of yourself, love yourself, be joyful, be happy so your very presence is a service to everyone around you. And the ultimate form of selfishness, which we don’t realize, is to be so drained - even from believing that oh, I’m drained because I perform services for everyone, I’m of service to everyone - to become so drained that other people need to prop you up with their energy.” 
~ Anita Moorjani / radio show “Do our religious beliefs and practices affect us on the other side of the veil?” (6-13-18)


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