靈魂的意圖 / The Soul’s Agenda

By: Jessica deCastro
作者: 潔西卡‧迪卡斯秋

The other week I was listening to a telecast interview with Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God books. The telecast was called “Living from Your Soul,” and he gave three steps for doing this: 


1) Become aware of who you are – your authentic self, your soul self.
2) Find out why you are here – your soul’s agenda.
3) Live from this agenda in every part of your life.

1) 覺察你是誰 – 真實的你,你的靈魂本身
2) 了解你為什麼在這裏 – 你靈魂想做的事 (意圖) 
3) 從這個意圖出發去面對生活中的每件事 

This idea of the soul’s agenda struck me powerfully. He suggested that our life’s purpose has nothing to do with our external situation, but rather how we move through life: our two-fold purpose is to express and experience every aspect of divinity that flows through us, and to awaken others to their souls simply by being awake to our own. He said that no matter what comes up in our life, we can ask ourselves, “What does this have to do with the agenda of my soul? What is my purpose for this moment?” in order to go deeper and find clear answers. 

靈魂的意圖這個觀點給了我很大的共鳴。他說我們人生的目的和外在情況無關,而是和我們如何過這個人生有關: 我們存在的兩層目的,是在於表達和體驗每個流經我們的神性面,並且藉由認清自己的靈魂而幫助別人認清他們的靈魂。他說無論生活中發生什麼事,我們可以問自己:「這件事和我靈魂的意圖有什麼關係? 這一刻我有什麼目的?」這樣做可以讓我們更深入內心找到清楚的答案。

Personally, I have found this to be powerfully true. From relatively small annoyances and frustrations to large, confusing problems, relationships, or personal challenges, recognizing the big picture of my soul’s agenda puts everything into perspective and allows me to let go and focus on what truly matters.


I was reminded of another concept that ties right into this when I read a quote the other day from the screenplay, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: “It’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be…. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing‧” (emphasis mine).

這讓我想起另一個和這點很契合的觀點,讓我引用前幾天在【班傑明的奇幻旅程】角本中讀到的一段話:「什麼時候你想成為什麼樣的人都不嫌晚,或者以我個人來說,都不會太早… 你可以改變或維持現狀。這件事並沒有規則。」(我自己劃的重點)。 

There are no rules to this thing, this thing called Life. As people, we are very good at making up rules and adopting rules. We build whole societies, religions, and civilizations on these rules, these narrowly-defined “norms.” We love rules because they give us a sense of safety and control, of predictability. What we don’t realize is that, sometimes, these self-imposed rules also severely limit us. If we depend more on the rules and norms than on listening to our own soul for direction, then we become disconnected from our Divine Source. The result is a half-life, because we cannot be fully alive when we are disconnected from our Divine Source. A soul-centered life is free, spontaneous, and fearless. It is the experience of mind, body, and spirit working together in sync, exactly as they were designed to work.


I was brought up in a strict religion with the teaching that I should not trust myself, that I should not trust my thoughts, my feelings, and especially my desires. This religion taught that my mind and body were sinful and that my heart was deceitful. As a result, I developed a rigid “rules” mindset very quickly. During that time and even for a while after leaving that environment, I remember being paralyzed if I had to make any type of choice or decision for which there was no hard and fast rule. Without a rule to tell me exactly what I should do, I was simply incapable of deciding for myself. I believed that if anything I thought or felt might be wrong, I was sure to make a terrible mistake and live to regret it. 


I had not yet learned that in actuality, all the answers I needed were within me. I had yet to meet my inner wisdom (I hadn’t been taught about that), which is not the same thing as your thoughts and feelings, but does speak through them, as well as your physical body. It took some time, but the intense healing and freedom that I experienced when I realized that my soul, and not any external “rules,” was my ultimate trustworthy authority, was incomparable. When I learned that making a mistake – what I feared so much – was simply an illusion, I was able to start really living.

當時我還不知道,事實上所有我需要的答案都在我心裏。我還沒有和我的內在智慧相遇 (沒有人教過我這件事),這個內在智慧和你的想法與情緒並不一樣,但它確實是透過這些和你的身體來傳達訊息。學習這些花了我不少時間,但是當我了解到我的靈魂,而不是任何外在的「規則」才是我可以信任的終極權威時,我所體驗到的強大療癒和自由感是無可比擬的。當我領悟到所謂的犯錯 – 我是如此害怕它 – 不過是一個幻覺時,我就可以開始真正過生活了。 

Directly connecting with my soul transformed my entire life, but I still find myself being influenced by the “rules” mindset sometimes. It is all around us, and the majority of people have this mindset, so it’s easy to get swept along. It is important to learn and be very intentional about listening to your own deep inner wisdom and trusting its voice, not the thousands of external voices around you. Ultimately, no one person possesses absolute truth. Each experience is unique, and we each see and understand different parts of life. Value and honor your own experience and your own truth – it’s a beautiful thing. 

和靈魂直接連結上徹底改變了我的生活,雖然我有時仍會看到自己受到「規則」 的心態所影響。這個現象無所不在,而且大多數的人都有這種操作心態,我們很容易就隨波逐流。重點在於學習刻意地傾聽你自己心底深處的內在智慧,信任它的聲音,而不是那些圍繞在你外在的千萬聲音。說實在的,沒有任何一個人擁有絕對的真理。每個體驗都是獨特的,而且我們每個人會看到和了解不同的生活面向。看重並榮耀你自己的體驗和你自己的真理 – 那是件很美好的事

* Judy H 譯 *

 Source / 文章來源: https://universoulheart.net/soul-journeys-2/the-souls-agenda.html

Jessica deCastro contributes articles to UniverSoul Heart, LLC website.
潔西卡‧迪卡斯秋UniverSoul Heart, LLC網站的文章作者之一


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