我能安心接受饋贈嗎? (艾妮塔.穆札尼) / How Good Are You At Receiving? (Anita Moorjani)

5-3-2017 newsletter via email by  Anita Moorjani

艾妮塔.穆札尼 2017-5-3 郵件期刊

If you're anything like I used to be, then you're probably not that great, whether it's receiving gifts, complements, support; in fact, just about anything. However, when it comes to giving, I'll bet you do that really easily. You're probably the first one your friends go to for advice, support, insights, and so on. You're probably the one with the shoulder that everyone cries on.


This was me some years ago. I was always there for everyone else except me. I was always giving to everyone else, except to myself, and if someone gave me a gift, whether it was a compliment, or courage, or support, or even if someone paid me money for my work, I'd feel obligated to do twice as much, just to prove to them that I was worthy of what they had just given me.

這就是多年前的我。我總是每個人的幫手,除了我自己; 我總是對每個人付出,除了我自己。如果別人給了我一份禮物,不管是一句讚美、鼓勵還是支持,甚至是工作的酬勞,我都感覺自己必須加倍奉還,只是為了證明我配得到他們的恩惠。 

Then one day, I got diagnosed with cancer.


I remember that on the day I was diagnosed, there was a small part inside of me that said "Now I get to take care of myself." It was as though the disease had given me permission to start taking care of myself!

我記得診斷出來的那天,我心裏彷彿有個微小的聲音在告訴我: 「好了,現在我終於可以照顧自己了。」彷彿那個病是一個恩准我開始照顧自己的特許單。 

Something inside of me had always believed that it was more honorable to give than to receive, so I spent years giving and giving of myself, until I reached a point where I became so drained that I could no longer give anymore. My body then developed a disease to "allow" me to be able to receive!


I wish I knew then that I don't need a disease to give myself permission to receive, and to take care of myself. I wish I knew then that I am supposed to love myself, because I am deserving, and worthy, and an expression of God/The Universe.


 I now understand that being able to receive is just as important as giving, because by receiving, we are giving ourselves the message that we are deserving, and worthy of all the gifts that life has to offer. We are also sending the message to the givers that they have important gifts to offer. 


 Our "giving" and "receiving" channels are symbiotic, and needs the opposing force to function optimally, much like yin and yang. Without one, the whole system would collapse. Much like masculine and feminine energy – without one, the whole of humanity wouldn't exist. It takes both to multiply and grow, and neither one is more positive or negative than the other.


Since recovering from the disease all those years ago, I have allowed myself to receive the gifts that the universe has to offer me. Being open to receiving has energized me in a way that allows me the pleasure to give even more! 

自從多年前生病康復之後,我就開始容許自己接受宇宙為我準備的禮物。這樣敞開自己去接受之後,我反而變得更有活力,更能享受付出的樂趣 ! 

When we truly love ourselves, we allow ourselves to receive graciously, and as a result, it allows us to share even more abundantly. I love sharing my work and my message, because I want people to know what I wish I knew then – in this case, that you don't need an illness to give yourself permission to receive support, love, joy and abundance! 

當我們真心愛自己時,我們便能安心接受別人的饋贈,而且因此會有更豐盛的東西可以和別人分享。我熱愛分享我的領悟和訊息,因為我要你們明白我希望我能早一點知道的事 – 你不需要生一場病來允許自己接受幫助、愛、喜樂和豐盛 !


"Receiving deeply provides needed nutrients for our soul, while also honoring the giver—making them feel that they've made a difference in our life." ~ John Amodeo, Ph.D., “The Neglected Art of Receiving”

「衷心接受能滋養我們的靈魂,也使給予者覺得很光彩 – 讓他們感覺對我們的人生起了重要的作用。」~ 約翰‧阿莫迪歐博士 <被忽略的收受藝術>

* Judy H 譯 *


2006年艾妮塔在與癌症纏鬥四年後陷入臨終昏迷。在醫生努力搶救之際,她進入了瀕死體驗,在鬼門關前她明白了生命的真相: 天堂不是一個地方,而是一個境界。當她醒來恢復意識後,她奇蹟似地復原,並在幾星期內完全康復 ! 從此她跟隨內心的呼召和全世界分享她驚人的故事和上天的啟示。這個最重要的啟示是: 「愛你自己如同你生命之所繫」,而這的確是事實。她寫了兩本書:「死過一次才學會愛」和「死過一次才學會愛自己: 原來,此生即是天堂」,並仍在持續創作中。讀者可以從她這段演講錄影了解她的背景、經歷和啟示

In 2006, Anita fell into a coma as her 4-year struggle with cancer was coming to an end. While doctors rushed to attend to her frail body, she entered into a near-death experience (NDE) where she discovered one of life’s greatest truths: Heaven is not a destination; it’s a state of being. When she regained consciousness, her cancer miraculously healed and she was free of disease within weeks! Since then, she’s heeded the call to share this powerful story—and divine lesson—with the world. The one most important lesson she learned from her unique experience is: “Love yourself like your life depends on it” and it does. She is the author of two books : “Dying To Be Me” and “What If This Is Heaven - How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth” and is working on her third one. You can watch this video to learn more about her, her NDE and the lessons she shares. 

Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show:
http://www. anitamoorjani.com


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