我還可能超越「成效佳」嗎?/ Will I Ever Be More Than Effective?

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By Dr. Daniel H. Shapiro

作者: 丹尼爾‧夏皮洛博士


I hadn’t received the evaluation; I had become it.

我沒有收到工作考核; 我變成了它。



Last night, I opened an email to find my work evaluation. The title read FINAL EVALUATION: ACTION REQUIRED. Four bold words, irreversible and unapologetic. I clicked to find clear instructions.


“Review, sign, and return.”


With a deep breath, I opened the attachment. It read, Overall rating: EFFECTIVE.

我深呼吸了一口,打開附件。上頭寫著:「整體評鑑: 成效佳」。

Effective sat between highly effective and the dreaded needs improvement.


Where did I go wrong? Why wasn’t I highly effective? In a flash, I watched the rating merge with my identity.

我做錯了什麼? 為什麼不是「成效高」? 剎那間,我看到那個評鑑和我的身份合而為一。

I imagined my backbone made of nine stacked letters: E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E.

我想像我的脊梁骨由九個字母堆疊而成: E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E (成效佳)

I hadn’t received the evaluation; I had become the evaluation.

我並沒有收到工作考核; 我變成了工作考核。


There is a difference between who we are and what we do. Grappling with the question “Who am I?” is essential to life’s journey and a key aspect of how we experience the world.


In self-inquiry, we discover we are not the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that come and go in experience. These are like clouds.


We are more like the open sky, more like spirit — the awake, indefinable presence that observes it all and remains free.

我們比較像廣闊的天空,像靈體,是一種有感知力而無法被界定的存在; 它觀察著一切卻保持自由。

When a child misbehaves, we don’t condemn them as fundamentally bad. We say, “I love you; now let’s talk about this behavior.”


Yet, instead of working on behavior, how often do we come to conclusions about ourselves or believe others’ conclusions about us?


We need a functional identity or persona to navigate this world. This social mask is the way we present ourselves in society.


Growing up, we begin to define ourselves. However, like a sponge, we also absorb the opinions, judgments, and labels of family, friends, and community.


If we’re not careful, we might take these viewpoints as truth and integrate them into our self-concept. Then we start to doubt ourselves.





For the next few days, I questioned myself, forgetting to separate my behavior from my identity.

接下來的幾天 ,我開始質問自己,忘了將我的行為和我的身份分開。

Are my SMART objectives Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, or Time-Bound enough?

我的SMART目標 明確(Specific),、可衡量(Measurable)、可達成(Achievable)、可行(Realistic)、有時限(Time-Bound) – 夠好嗎?

How well am I using data as a problem-solving strategy?

我是否有效地運用資料做為解決 問題的策略?

Do my talent management and service quality shine or fall flat? My behavior seems professional and ethical, but is it highly professional and ethical?

我的人才管理和服務品質是出色,還是 不怎麼樣? 我的行為看起來很專業正規,但它是高度專業正規嗎?

I wondered about colleagues, compared and contrasted.


Bob from communications appears EFFECTIVE. He’s reliable, steady, and usually returns emails.


But Jane, from accounts payable, must be HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. Her memos are crystal clear and shimmer on the page.


Highly Effective


The Oxford English Dictionary defines effective as “successful in producing a desired or intended result,” and highly as “at or to a considerable or specified height.”


So, I’ve been successful but failed to reach a considerable or specified height.


I’m not highly successful.


Effective feels dull, hollow, and average. As close as it is to highly effective, it’s also a mistake away from needs improvement.


The pressure I put on myself was enormous.


Will I settle for effective? Should I work harder? Start earlier? Stay later?

我可以接受「成效佳」嗎? 我應該更努力工作嗎? 早到? 晚歸?

I pondered on this and then I recalled a quote I read online that says, “20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids.


Our days are numbered, and the decisions we make about our time determine the quality of our lives.


I decided to choose truth.



The Truth


Does a rating describe us? Does it describe me? Is striving to be more or fearing to be less really necessary?

一個績效考核足以形容我們嗎? 它可以形容我嗎? 我們有需要努力變得更好或害怕變得不夠好嗎?

Dorothy Day, the activist, wrote, “Don’t worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth.”


In this moment, truth feels like self-acceptance.


Truth also feels like neutrality or simply being myself without trying so hard. Something inside is already whole and at ease.


I was what I was before the evaluation and will remain so afterward. Ratings come and go, yet something deeper and more substantial abides.


No doubt, evaluations have their place. But they are labels imposed from the outside.

Truth is discovered within.


Truth is about integrity — feeling how you feel, thinking how you think, meaning what you say, acting as you act, owning both your darkness and your light, and being as you are.

真相代表了一種真實完整性 感覺你真實的感受,思考你想要的念頭,口出你想說的話,做你想做的事,接受你黑暗和光明的狀態,呈現真實的你。

I choose family, friendship, service, self-expression, and learning.


I was what I was before the evaluation and will remain so afterward. Ratings come and go, yet something deeper and more substantial abides.



Basketball Wisdom


I went home and shot hoops with my 12-year-old son. We played HORSE. I tried a trick shot that fell a half-inch short.


If I would’ve made that, I’d be the man!” I said.


Grabbing the rebound, my son said, “Dad, you don’t need to sink a shot to be the man. You are the man!”


With that, something profound washed over me. I had confused my performance with my identity.


While I knew I couldn’t be defined by a rating on a scoresheet, the evaluation had temporarily become my mirror, reflecting an identity instead of behaviors to consider or improve.


I thought back to all the times I let people tell me who I was and believed them and how much that limited my expression in the world.


What if I did receive HIGHLY EFFECTIVE? Would that classification make me any different from what I am? I’d be carrying yet another image about myself and latching on to keep it.

如果我真的獲得了「成效高」 的評鑑呢?  這種等級會讓我變得和真正的我不一樣我會懷抱著另一種自我形象,依附眷戀在它之下吧。

What if I received NEEDS IMPROVEMENT? Doesn’t everyone need improvement? Shouldn’t improvement be a fixture in all evaluations?

如果我獲得的是「需要改進」呢? 每個人不都需要改進嗎? 改進不應該是所有評鑑不變的項目嗎?


Surface vs. Essence


Over the next few weeks, my daughter and I practiced for her drama competition. She’s 16 and was striving to find her place in the troupe.


The competition’s ratings were FAIR, GOOD, EXCELLENT, and SUPERIOR. Of course, my daughter wanted superior.


Each night, we poured over the lines to attain a superior. But in time, she immersed herself in researching the play, feeling the characters’ emotions, and bringing every facet of the script to life.


Late one night, my daughter said, “Dad, I don’t want the superior rating anymore. I just want to act.


She had just discovered the essence of what it meant to be an actor. We both wiped our eyes and hugged.



The Dance of Identity


Is it possible to know ourselves as spirit, while using our constructed identity to interact in the world?


I’ve learned we can dance between the two.


In quiet moments, we can rest as pure awareness, and in activity, we can bring that awareness into expression.


While these two descriptions may seem paradoxical, they are not distinct nor separate from one another.


As the Buddhist Heart Sutra puts it, “Form is none other than emptiness; emptiness is none other than form.”


With discernment, we can choose to accept or refuse input from the world. While others will always supply plenty of feedback, we are not bound by their conclusions.


With awareness and understanding, we are free to be who we are, as we are, and to express ourselves fully and freely.


This state of being transcends both EFFECTIVE and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE.


Bringing the Lesson Home


It’s Sunday night. I’m on a walk, a few steps from home. Tomorrow, I’ll be at work again — evaluated. What will I do that will matter a month from now, a year, a decade, a lifetime?

星期天晚上,我出門散步,差幾步路就到家。明天,我會再度回去工作 被評鑑。不管我做什麼,一個月之後會有什麼差別嗎? 一年,十年,一輩子呢?

Will I ever be more than EFFECTIVE?


The porch light flicks on. “Dad!” my kids call out happily as they rush to greet me.

Something in their voices says, I already am.


* Judy H 譯 *

Source / 文章來源:

Dr. Daniel H. Shapiro

About Dr. Daniel H. Shapiro 

Educator, Mentor, and the Author of The 5 Practices of the Caring Mentor: Strengthening the Mentoring Relationship from the Inside Out.

丹尼爾‧夏皮洛博士  是一位教育家、輔導師及作家,著有「The 5 Practices of the Caring Mentor: Strengthening the Mentoring Relationship from the Inside Out」一書。

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