(視頻) Anita Moorjani 艾妮塔‧穆札尼 - 吸引力法則和冰山一角 / (Video) The Law of Attraction and Tip of the Iceberg (中文字幕)

(點擊螢幕下方CC選取中文字幕) 2018-12-9 臉書直播 Facebook Live on December 9, 2018 艾妮塔談她對吸引力法則的看法,根據她的瀕死經驗分享她的理解。 Anita clarifies her take on the law of attraction. She shares clarity about what shes learned on the other side. 接下來,她說我們一般人看到的自己不過是冰山一角,並且回答了以下問題: She goes on to talk about what we see with our physical eyes is just the tip of the iceberg and answers the following questions: 如果我有一個很強的慾望,我是否該用吸引力法則集中念力去實現它? What if I have a really big desire? Should I focus on it using the Law Of Attraction? 我可以和孩子一起練習跟自己的高我說話嗎? Can I practice speaking to our greater selves with my children? 我如何知道真正的我超過我肉眼所見? 如果你說的是幻象呢? How can I truly KNOW that I am more than what I see with my eyes? What if you are describing a fantasy world? 我如何克服嚴重的慢性疾病? How can I overcome debilitating chronic illness? 我如何不再感到內心的恐懼,不再為自己製造障礙? How can I escape my inner fears so I stop creating obstacles for myself?

視頻來源 / Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdyCGwWwZY ** Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show: http://www. anitamoorjani.com http://www.facebook.com/Anita.Moorjani http://www.hayhouseradio.com/#!/host/anita-moorjani 如果您不認識艾妮塔,可以從這部影片了解她的瀕死經驗以及她如何奇蹟似地在幾週內從癌症末期康復。 If you are not familiar with Anita’s story, you can watch this video to learn about her near-death experience and how she miraculously recovered from her terminal illness. http://judyhtranslate.blogspot.com/2016/08/anita-moorjani.html

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