創造的力量 / The Power To Create

作/譯者 By:  Judy H


Oftentimes we get trapped by what’s happening around us and feel powerless in a challenging situation. We constantly find ourselves “reacting” to the outside world instead of “creating” what we would like to see.


One time I had an argument with my husband. I was so mad at him that I locked myself in my room and refused to talk to him for as long as I could. 


Another time I made a mistake at work and submitted what I did to the requestor. I ended up embarrassing myself, my boss and the entire team. I felt disappointed about myself and kept thinking about the disaster the whole time I was driving home. 

如果當時我有那個智慧知道我們的內在世界才是真實的世界,我們看到的外在世界是根據內在世界的狀態勾勒出來的,在碰到上述那些情況時,也許我就不會在牛角尖裏鑽那麼久,反應如此強烈了。感覺和情緒是身為人一定會有的,它們的存在有一個偉大的目的 – 提醒我們,將我們的力量拿回來。

If I had had the wisdom to see that our inner world is the real world and it dictates how we view the outer world, scenarios like these would not have engulfed me so long and in such a dramatic way. Feelings and emotions are part of a human being and they exist for a purpose – they serve as great reminders that we can take our power back. 

如果內在的世界才是真實的世界,換句話說,如果我的內心感到平安和充滿愛,我看到的外在世界也會是如此的話,那麼我在上述那些情況下是握著非常強大的力量的。如果我選擇要經歷平安和愛,我可以先在內心嚮往這種感覺,然後將它用行動表達出來 – 那也許是給我先生一個擁抱,來化解剛剛的緊張關係,或者是在腦海裏放開工作上的不愉快,想起我快樂的毛小孩來取代那個無地自容的畫面。

If the inner world is the real world i.e. if I feel peace and love inside, I would see the same in the outside world, I hold tremendous power in those situations. If I choose to experience peace and love, I would first tune in to that feeling inside and let it express as an action – which could be giving my husband a hug to dissolve the tension between us, or letting go of the shameful memory of what I did at work and replacing it with an image of my happy dog. 


In any situation we hold the power to turn the table around, but we forget that we do, and somehow the ego likes to play the victim role. We let the current sweep us away instead of turning around and facing it with our mental power.

我們可以選擇待在不愉快的情境中許久都不出來,這不重要。重要的是,我們是否會在某一刻明白,我們其實具有創造 我們真正想看到的風景和畫面的力量。

We can choose to stay in a bad situation as long as we want, which is not the issue. The issue is to see at some point that we actually have the power to create sceneries and moments that we would enjoy more. 


I’d like quote the words of Anita Moorjani from her interview with Melissa Ambrosini in November 2017:  (https://melissaambrosini.com/podcast/from-cancer-to-near-death-to-true-healing-with-anita-moorjani/)


“What I learnt in the other realm is that in reality the world is an inside-out world not an outside-in world. What we experience on the outside is a reflection of what's going on on the inside. When I healed internally, when my spirit healed, my soul healed or my emotions healed, when I came back my physical body reflected that. When I came back, I knew I was healed and then my physical body started to reflect it. The same thing. This is what's happening in our world all the time. When we don't like what's happening in the world, it's not about going out and changing the world. It's about healing the inside and each one of us is only responsible for healing ourselves inside. And so instead of reacting to the world, we are creating the world.” 

* 寫譯 By: Judy H *

(💕 感謝秋敏的啟發/Thanks to Chiumin who inspired this writing.)


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