The Way to Joy 喜悅之道

作者: 陳嘉珍
By Chia-jen Chen


Joy is the essence of life. It is not a state of mind that only appears under certain circumstances!


However, we have lost the connection with this essence of life and need to rely on some external circumstances to trigger our sense of joy. And once the circumstances disappear, we fall back to the state of unhappiness. 


Therefore, our ego constantly seeks all kinds of opportunity to hold onto the feeling of joy! Travel, meeting with friends, eating good food, exercising… all kinds of things that may make you feel joyful. But once these events are gone, so is your joy? 


“The essence of life is joy,” “we live in the grace of God,” “Loved or unlovable, we are redeemed by the love of the universe,”… There are many wise words like these, but what do they actually tell us?


Here it was early morning in Amsterdam. It was past 7 am and still dark, but the bustling bicycles on the streets and the joggers in the park already kicked off the day. My friend was so fit that he was already running out of my sight, while I was jogging at my normal pace, enjoying every big tree I passed by and the leisurely ducks in the pond. Occasionally I was startled by joggers who overtook me but I soon recovered myself.


We bring ourselves joy by all kinds of way but it is not what we do that gives us joy. It is through what we do that we connect to joy. Joy is always there. It is the nature of existence!


No matter what you do to create a feeling of joy, your focus should always be on joy itself, not on what you do or the external circumstances! 


The beautiful scenery we are seeing makes us feel very joyful, but what the beautiful scenery does is simply trigger the sense of joy that is already there. What we are experiencing is joy, not the beautiful scenery! The scenery disappears the moment we leave the place and happy moments are also temporary. Because our physical body perceives the passing of time, we think that joy comes and goes.


In fact, the true joy is our fundamental inner state and is always there. That is why a feeling of joy can be aroused by an external situation!


Over time, this awareness and recognition can give us direct access to joy instead of relying on an external event to arouse such feeling! 


Joy is a window and a state of mind, through which we can turn what we see and feel into joy at any place, at any time, and under any circumstances!


We live in an external world that is constantly changing. If we can deepen the sense of our innate joy and make it a constant state of mind, we have found the secret to living a happy life!


This morning, my friend jogged for 7 km and I walked at least 4 km. While my toes are a little achy, I am feeling a great deal of joy!

* Translated by Judy H *

摘自陳嘉珍臉書頁 / Source:陳嘉珍-189375307763743/


❤️ 快樂的罪惡感 / The Guilt of Feeling Happy ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

每當小孩快快樂樂時,不管他在做什麼,一定會有人來阻止他 ---「不要這樣!」漸漸地,小孩會了解到:「凡是令我快樂的就是錯的。」 

 Whenever the child feels happy, whatever he is doing, somebody or other is bound to come and stop him ---“Don’t do this!” By and by the child understands, “Whatever I feel happy about is wrong.” ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

而對於別人吩咐的事情,他當然不會樂意去做, 因為那不是源於他的自發性,最後,他得知痛苦才是對的,快樂是錯的,這種聯想已深植他的內心。

And of course, he never feels happy doing what others tell him to do, because it is not a spontaneous urge in him. So he comes to know that to be miserable is right, to be happy is wrong. That becomes the deep association. ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

這是我的觀察: 有人在靜心之後感到能量高漲,當他們快樂起來的時候,他們會立刻來跟我說:「發生了一件很奇怪的事,我覺得快樂,同時也無緣無故地感到罪惡感。」 

It is my observation that when people start meditating and they start feeling an upsurge of energy, when they start feeling happy, they immediately come to me and say, “A very strange thing is happening. I am feeling happy, and I am also feeling guilty, for no reason at all.” ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

他們知道並沒有發生什麼事,他們也沒做錯什麼事,那麼罪惡感從何而來? 是從「喜悅是罪惡」這個根深蒂固的制約來的。悲傷就沒有關係,但快樂是不允許的。

They know that they have not done anything wrong. From where does this guilt arise? It is coming from the deep-rooted conditioning that joy is wrong. To be sad is okay, but to be happy is not allowed. ‍‍‍‍‍‍

沒人曾對你說你已經有了快樂的能力,每個人都對你說唯有當你達成某些條件 – 當你有了足夠的錢,有一棟大房子,一輛大車子,以及這個那個 --- 唯有如此你才能快樂

Everybody says that you can have the capacity to be happy only if you fulfill certain conditions – that you have enough money, a big house, a big car, and this and that – only then can you be happy. ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

** 快樂和這些無關,快樂不是一種成就,它是你的天性 ** 

** Happiness is not an achievement. It is your nature. **
<摘自【喜悅---從內在深處湧現的快樂】作者:奧修 /  > 
(Quotes from "Joy: The Happiness That Comes from Within" by Osho)

❤ 以上由快樂的秋敏提供 / Above provided by joyful Chiumin

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