(視頻) 不要和自己分手 / (Video) Never "Break Up" With Yourself (Jeff Foster)



Jeff Foster talks of a 'break-up' as a spiritual opportunity - to meet yourself very deeply. To 'break-up' the addiction to past and future, and connect with your body. To not abandon yourself for another person. Filmed in Holland, 2016.

Jeff's website: http://www.lifewithoutacentre.com

影片來源 / Source:

" 當我們看到磅秤上的自己多了一公斤,我們開始煩惱如何減重。

When we see the scale showing one more pound, we start to fret and try to lose that weight.
When we see wrinkles in the mirror, we get scared and quickly put on make-up.
When we feel down, we are anxious to make ourselves feel uplifted again.
When we feel sad, we try to make ourselves feel happy again.
When we feel lonely, we rush to call a friend or turn on the TV to keep us company.


We so cannot bear to stay with the current “ugly self” that we want to rush to get to the “better self.”  Therefore, we constantly abandon ourselves.

但我們是否可以 - 愛自己,愛我們全部的自己,不管我們在*任何一刻*看起來如何,感覺如何。

I wonder if we can love ourselves, all of ourselves, no matter how we look or feel at any given moment."

* Judy H *

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