過著「適合自己」的生活,就是幸福 / Happiness is Living a Life that Aligns with Who We Are

「我們每一個人都有一種能力,能夠感覺到什麼可以給我們帶來快樂。」~ 讓娜‧西奧-法金
"Each of us has the ability to know what brings us joy." Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

書摘 / Book Excerpt

作者: 讓娜‧西奧-法金
Author: Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

Happiness does not exist? How about pursuing small joys

生活在一個有權利追求幸福的社會,我們有責任幸福,幸福成了一種義務。如果我們無法得到幸福,則是沒有理由的,肯定是某個人的錯:配偶的錯,孩子的錯,老闆的錯,身邊人的錯,政府的錯……這個時代要求我們高聲並強烈地爭取這項權利和義務 ─ 一定要幸福!

Living in a world where people are given the right to pursue their happiness, it almost becomes a responsibility to be happy; in fact, being happy becomes an obligation. There is no reason that we can’t be happy. If we find ourselves unhappy, it must be someone else’s fault – our spouse, the kids, boss, people around us, the government…. We live in an era where we are encouraged to fight for this right and obligation – to become happy!


Therefore, we create a model of happiness and believe in it, or we pretend that we believe in it, where this model includes a dream house, incredible trips, products that we must have to make us look beautiful, stores that provide everything we need, brands that make us attractive… and so on. I can go on and on, but this is not my point. What I really want to share with all of you is this: each of us has the ability to know what brings us joy and what allows us to be in peace with ourselves and other people.  


No more waiting, no more searching for “Happiness.”


We are always in the pursuit of happiness, and for some people, this pursuit consumes their whole life. People believe that they will be happy - when their kids are successful, when they buy their dream house, when they get promoted, when they have enough money to do more things, when they become well-known and recognized, when they are retired and have more time …. But in the midst of all this, we miss our lives and the beats of our songs. It is the small joys in our lives that go along with the beats and make our lives feel glorious, colorful, attractive and comfortable. Of course, I am not playing down the pains or the misfortune and agony people suffer as a result of social, cultural, psychological or incidental impacts. I have deep sympathy for those in suffering. What I am referring to here are people who have access to the ordinary joy but complain that they cannot attain the extraordinary happiness. 


This is just a trap. Your happiness is right here and is already extraordinary!

What are your small joys?


Think about this: Are there any things (no matter how small they are) that bring you a feeling of satisfaction, whether it touches deep in your heart or flashes across your mind? Anything will do. Look around you, in your life. Do you see any small but amazing things that are sparkling around you but you have failed to notice because of the contagious discontent you have been harboring for a long time? Do you see your successes, big and small, that you have achieved as a result of being able to work with yourself and overcome the challenges? Do you see, deep in you, how proud you could be of yourself for having achieved and attained the things you already have?


Even though the society relentlessly tells us that we can be better, but what do we want to be better than? The only barometer for our condition is ourselves. The only thing we need is something that can align us with our inner self. And who can understand that inner self better than us? This inner self resides in each of us and is our most precious treasure. Nothing is more precious than that, let alone the outside world. So isn’t it much better to re-focus our attention on ourselves?

Happiness is about feeling of satisfaction, instead of frustration.


When the feeling of satisfaction is pushed out by the heavy weight of frustration, we will immediately feel pain. The key is to understand, what is satisfaction and what is frustration, for each of us; they are different yet similar. What makes us happy is the feeling “deep down in us” that we are at a right place living a life that fits with and aligns with who we are.


Falling into that right place means that we are not lost on our journey. Our journey is not leading to a dead end, though it is not a particularly bright one. Our journey is neither so dazzled that confuses us nor does it make us feel unsatisfied. We are not venturing on a path that was carved out by other people that is not of our choice. We blaze our path with our own resources, strengths, limitations, vulnerability and weaknesses. We pleasantly walk on this path where we come across other people and situations that help enrich our lives and create our own happiness.  


This does not mean we will not meet with obstacles or that our journey is free of dangers. But we know how to handle these obstacles and dangers and how to deal with unexpected incidents. There are sorrow, pain and even anger or rage. Yet our heart stands firm. It tightly ties us to this world so that we do not part with our path or divert from our direction in our life journey.


文章來源 Source: https://gfamily.cwgv.com.tw/content/index/7549

摘自 讓娜‧西奧-法金《太聰明所以不幸福?》/遠流出版 https://www.odilejacob.com/catalogue/psychology/general-psychology/too-smart-to-be-happy-life_9782738120878.php

Excerpt from “Trop intelligent pour etre heureux” by Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

* English translation by Judy H *

讓娜‧西奧-法金是法國臨床心理學家,專精於學習障礙和高智商者研究,著有《高智商兒童》(L'Enfant surdoué)。在第二本著作《太聰明所以不幸福》中,她關懷的是那些已經默默長大的成年資優者──那些或許從未確知自己的特殊,卻已經飽受聰明之害的人們。

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About Author
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin is a clinical psychologist and the author of the highly acclaimed L'Enfant surdoué. She founded the first specialised centres in France (in Marseille, Avignon and Paris) for the diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties. Her other books include: L'aider à grandir, l'aider à s'en sortir (2002) and L'Enfant en difficulté scolaire (2006). 

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