減重 / 心理健康 (艾妮塔.穆札尼 實況問答2016-8-17 第四集) / Weight Issue & Mental Health (Anita Moorjani Q&A 8-17-2016 Part 4)

艾妮塔.穆札尼  臉書實況問答  2016-8-17

Anita Moorjani live video on Hay House’s Facebook page 8-17-2016
Part 4

So with the weight issue thing, here is what I want to say is that I want you to do … When somebody wants to go on a diet for the purpose of losing weight, I want you to forget about the fact that you are actually trying to lose weight. I want you to ask yourself: what would I eat if I want to be healthy? And that’s all you need to ask. You don’t even need to get on the Internet and research everything for health because what ends up happening is that we end up obsessing about it. I would rather you just ask yourself: what would I be doing today, what would I be eating today if all I care about was being healthy and living a long life so that I could follow my passion. That’s pretty much it. You don’t have to count calories. You don’t have to necessarily research the food and so on. What in your belief system, what in your belief system tells you is healthy food. That’s what I want you to reach for.

關於體重的問題,這是我的建議。如果你想要藉節食來減重,我要你完全忘了你想減重這件事。我要你問自己: 如果我希望自己健康,我會吃什麼東西? 你只需要做這件事。你不需要上網去找各種健康的資訊,因為這樣做只會讓你變得不可自拔。你只需要問自己:  如果我希望健康長壽,讓我可以去做我喜歡的事,我今天會做什麼,我今天會吃什麼?  如此而已。你不必要去計算熱量,也不需要去研究該吃什麼。你認為什麼是健康的,就是我你選擇食物的方向。

Yes, somebody has just written in about health, anxiety... What about emotional health. Tara, thank you for that question. What about emotional health. Well, with emotional health, what I would say is that it is… even your emotional…in fact what am I saying… your emotional healthy is actually extremely important. And your emotional health is connected to what I call your spiritual health. And so for emotional health, the question to ask yourself is: do I love myself? How can I love myself more? Do I have purpose in my life? How can I find my true calling? Now the way to find your true calling and this really fulfills your emotional self and your spiritual self, the way, excuse me, to find your true calling is to truly just love yourself and know that you are worthy and deserving and allow yourself to truly be who you are. Be your authentic self. And when you allow yourself to be your authentic self, whatever is truly yours will come to you, and what is truly yours is always your highest calling. So just follow that.

剛才有人問關於焦慮的問題。那麼心理的健康呢? 泰拉,謝謝你的問題。關於心理的健康,我的看法是,心理健康非常重要。而且你的心理健康和我所說的心靈健康有關。對於心理健康,我要你們問自己: 我愛我自己嗎? 我如何能多愛自己一點? 我有生活的目標嗎? 我該如何找到我人生的真正使命? 找到人生使命的方法,這個同時可以滿足你心理和心靈的需要,找到人生使命的方法就是認真地愛自己,明白你是個有價值的人,允許你做你真正的自己,做你真實的自己。當你可以做真實的自己時,真正屬於你的東西自然會來到,這個真正屬於你的東西就是你的最高使命。這樣做就對了。

* Judy H 譯 * 


來源: Hay House 臉書網頁


2006年艾妮塔在與癌症纏鬥四年後陷入臨終昏迷。在醫生努力搶救之際,她進入了瀕死體驗,在鬼門關前她明白了生命的真相: 天堂不是一個地方,而是一個境界。當她醒來恢復意識後,她奇蹟似地復原,並在幾星期內完全康復 ! 從此她跟隨內心的呼召和全世界分享她驚人的故事和上天的啟示。這個最重要的啟示是: 「愛你自己如同你生命之所繫」,而這的確是事實。她寫了兩本書:「死過一次才學會愛」和「死過一次才學會愛自己: 原來,此生即是天堂」,並仍在持續創作中。讀者可以從她這段演講錄影了解她的背景、經歷和啟示

In 2006, Anita fell into a coma as her 4-year struggle with cancer was coming to an end. While doctors rushed to attend to her frail body, she entered into a near-death experience (NDE) where she discovered one of life’s greatest truths: Heaven is not a destination; it’s a state of being. When she regained consciousness, her cancer miraculously healed and she was free of disease within weeks! Since then, she’s heeded the call to share this powerful story—and divine lesson—with the world. The one most important lesson she learned from her unique experience is: “Love yourself like your life depends on it” and it does. She is the author of two books : “Dying To Be Me” and “What If This Is Heaven - How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth” and is working on her third one. You can watch this video to learn more about her, her NDE and the lessons she shares. 

Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show:
http://www. anitamoorjani.com


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