天使的訊息: 自助而後神助 / From the Angels: Allowing Heaven to Help

(Photo credit / 照片來源: Pixabay)

By: © Ann Albers, www.visionsofheaven.com

作者: 安‧艾兒貝絲「天堂願景」 

My dear friends, we love you so very much,


Take a deep, slow breath and exhale very slowly. In so doing, you have just decided to love yourself. You have chosen to allow life and spirit to flow into your body, nourish your cells, encourage the cleansing flow of lymph, increase circulation, and invite us to come closer and help to create balance in your mind, body, and spirit. You have just made a strong statement to the universe, “I am open to receive life and love.”


You didn’t think of all these things. You didn’t say these things. You simply took one deep, conscious, and deliberate breath.  However, your choice to do this sent out a vibration to the universe that called for spirit, life, and love to come into your physical body, soothe your mind, and help balance your emotions. One simple self-loving choice, dear ones, and there is so much benefit to you.


Likewise, every time you choose to simply accept yourself as you are, you are releasing resistance to love. When we speak of resistance, we are not talking about a mental blockage to love. We are talking about tuning into a lower vibration that blocks the unending flow of love from reaching you as strongly as it could.


Water, for example, is available in your faucet. It is ready to flow at all times. Much of the time, and for good reason, the faucet is off, thus resisting the flow of the water. When you open the faucet, you release all resistance, and the water that was there, just waiting, begins to flow.


Similarly, Divine love is always there, emanating from the Source, waiting for you to allow it to pour into your mind, body, and soul. Here is the good news. Any simple, self-loving, self-soothing, self-accepting, or other loving choice allows it to flow to you in the moment that you begin vibrating in the frequency of love. 


Even in your deepest grief, you can reach out for a cup of tea (or, for some of you, a glass of wine!), and this is a form of self-love at that moment. We know we’ve inspired some judgment as we say this. A glass of wine? How can that be loving when it is often a form of escape?  Well, dear ones, anything that helps you feel better—as long as it does no harm—can raise your vibration.

即使在你非常難過的狀態下,你還是可以去取一杯茶 (或者,你們有些人會喝一杯酒!),這對當下來說是一種愛自己的行為。我們知道這麼說會引來一些爭議。一杯酒? 它通常是為了逃避現實用的, 怎麼會是愛的表現? 怎麼說呢,親愛的,任何讓你覺得好過一點的東西 只要它無傷大雅 都可以提高你的振頻

So many of you criticize yourself for your habits. “I spend too much. I drink too much. I eat too much. I sit around too much…” We understand that you realize there are other things you want to do, other versions of yourself that you may want to become, but in reality, most of you are judging yourself by criteria others have impressed upon you.


What is too much, dear ones? Who gets to decide? Our answer is that you get to decide. You get to decide when something lifts you vs. when it begins to drag you down. You get to decide when something tastes good vs. when you start feeling you are not even tasting. You get to decide when spending feels like self-love vs. when it feels like filling an empty gap.

什麼是太多了,親愛的? 誰來決定? 我們的答案是,你來決定。你決定什麼時候一件事讓你開心,什麼時候它開始讓你傷心。你決定什麼時候一樣東西是美味的,什麼時候它開始讓你覺得食不知味。你決定什麼時候花錢感覺像在愛自己,什麼時候它感覺像在填補空虛。

No one else gets to tell you what is right or wrong for you. You get to decide.


No one else walks in your shoes, lives in your body, or experiences your unique mind and feelings based on your very personal history and present moment.


No one, dear ones, knows better what is good for you or bad for you than your own inner authority. By all means take the opinions of others that you resonate with into account. Weigh them against your own feelings. If you want to eat healthier, for example, you might visit a nutritionist or study various experts online. Some of their recommendations might feel wonderful to you. That is a good clue that this is a good path for you. Some of their recommendations might feel too restrictive. Keep searching for ones that don’t.


You can get fit by finding exercises that you love. You can lose weight by finding foods that taste good to you. You can be healthy and have a few glasses of wine if you have a metabolism that handles it. You know yourself better than anyone else does. You know your history, your body, and your own feelings about right and wrong. You, dear ones, have a direct-connect to the Divine, and like every cell in your body, every bit of nature, you know what feels good in the moment and what does not.


Trust that.


In a given moment, all of creation is impulsed by the Divine toward its desires, as surely as the body impulses every cell. Both the Divine and physical impulses guide souls and cells toward greater harmony. Just as each cell receives unique “instructions” based on its purpose, needs, and relationship to other cells, each of you receives unique instructions based on your desires, needs, and relationships with other souls.


Dear ones, accept yourselves. Accept your feelings. Accept your quirks and so-called flaws with love. As you do so, the ones not rooted in love will evolve naturally, while the ones that are will remain.  If you love yourself enough to refrain from judging your spending and spend more than you have, then next time, you’ll realize that you didn’t feel so good and spend in moderation. Or perhaps your bills will motivate you to start a side business you’ve wanted to start but were not yet motivated to do!  Always, if you accept yourself as you are, with love, you will naturally and organically begin to recalibrate to the frequency of love, which can only bring good into your lives.

親愛的,接受你自己,接受你的感覺。用愛接受你的怪癖和所謂的缺點。當你這麼做時,不是以愛為立足點的狀況會自然地演化,而以愛為立足點的狀況將會持續。如果你足夠愛自己,不去評斷自己的消費,而你過度花費了,下次你將會發現,這麼做給你的感覺並不好,你會開始去縮減開銷。又或許,你的帳單會促使你展開你一直想做,卻沒有動力去開始的一個副業! 如果你用愛接受自己的模樣,你會自然而然地向愛的頻率調整靠攏,為你的生命帶來福利。

Breathe, dear friends, slowly and deeply. Receive our love. Receive our non-judgment. Receive our vision of your beautiful hearts and your love. Above all, receive the peace of knowing that no matter what you do, you can’t stop the Divine and your angels from loving you. You can only receive it or not and it is as simple as making one self-loving, self-soothing, self-accepting, or loving choice at any given moment.

親愛的朋友們,你可以緩慢地深呼吸。接受我們的愛,接受我們的不評斷,接受我們對你們美麗的心和你們的愛所懷抱的願景。最重要的是,接受這份平安 知道無論你做什麼,都不能阻止宇宙和你的天使們愛你。你只能接受或不接受,而你要做的,只是在每一刻做一個愛自己、舒緩自己、接受自己或懷著愛意的選擇。

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

宇宙(神)祝福你們! 我們非常地愛你們。

— The Angels / 天使們

*JUDY H 譯*

文章來源 / Source: https://www.visionsofheaven.com/messages-from-the-angels/allowing-heaven-to-help

About Ann Albers

"I talk to Angels and live in the Presence of a Love so profound it changes lives. I help people of all ages, races, beliefs, & walks of life with a vast array of challenges & dreams – from the mundane to the mystical. "


「我和天使說話,並且存活於一種廣大的愛之中,它讓生命改變。我幫助不同年齡、種族、信仰和社會各階層的人因應他們的挑戰和實現夢想 - 不管是凡人俗事還是宇宙奧秘。」

其他天使訊息 / Other messages from The Angels:


別害怕未來 / No need to fear the future

信心 – 如何相信看不到的東西 / Faith – How to believe in things unseen


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