安心的終極方法 / The Ultimate Way to Quiet the Mind

作者 By : Judy H

我們常常聽人說,我們應該活在當下,把心思放在手邊正在做的事情上,我們就不會去擔心不可知的未來,或沈緬於令人懊悔的過去。但是要活在當下有多麼困難,要把心思綁在眼前的此刻有多麼不容易,不是嗎? 為了要將自己鎖定在此時此刻,我們發展出各式各樣的方法來馴服我們的思緒。有人靜坐,靜坐的方式很多。有人做瑜加,瑜加的種類也不少。有人誦經吟唱,也有人觀呼吸把注意力放在身體上。只要它讓你覺得舒服,而不是在你多如牛毛的待辦事項上再添一筆增加你的負擔,這些方式都很好。我本身也嘗試過一些方法,也喜歡靜坐,而且只要感覺好,我還是會繼續坐下去。那麼如果以上這些方法都沒有效的話,我們可以把自己搞得很忙,忙到沒有餘力來思想過去或未來。 

We all hear about people talking about how we should live in the present moment, being mindful, so we don’t worry about the unknown future or dwell on the regretful past. But it is so hard to stay in the present moment. It is so hard to tell our mind not to drift away from now, isn’t it? By trying to ground ourselves to this present moment, we develop a myriad of ways to tame our mind. We meditate, and, there are so many ways to meditate. We do yoga, and, there are many types of yoga. We chant and we are told to watch our breaths to bring our attention back to our body. These are all good if they make you feel better, rather than stress you out by giving you another thing to take care of on your long to-do list. I’ve tried some of these practices myself, and meditate as long as it continues to make me feel good. And if all these are not helping, people get themselves busy so they lose the capacity to think about the future or the past.

然而我現在開始覺得,也許我們應該倒過來。我們是應該去馴服我們的念頭,還是應該問自己,為什麼我們會擔心未來和陷在過去裏。我們擔心,是因為我們希望能夠為未來可能發生我們所認為「不好」的事預作準備。我們回到過去,是因為那裏有尚未釋懷的傷痛,有時還會勾起我們的情緒。那麼,如果有一樣東西可以解除這些擔心和傷痛呢? 當所有的不安和傷痛都消失時,我們是否就會自然地安住於當下的此刻,因為未來和過去對我們的心思再也沒有那麼大的吸引力? 

But I now begin to wonder if it would be better the other around. Instead of working on the mind, maybe we should ask ourselves why we worry about the future and linger in the past. We worry because we want to get ourselves prepared for anything that we consider bad to happen. We go back to the past for any pain that is not resolved and still rears its head from time to time. What if there is something that can stop the worry and pain? When all the worries and pains disappear, will we not naturally rest in the present moment, because the mind is no longer drawn to the future or the past?

當一個小孩相信他是被愛時,而且那份愛深到不管他犯了多少世俗的過錯,他都不會被懲罰; 不管他從多高的地方跌下來,他都會被接住; 不管別人如何想傷害他,他都無法被傷害,因為他的內心充滿了父母對他的愛。我們看過一個有能力去擔心的孩子嗎? 沒有。但你說,那是因為他還沒有嚐到人生的苦澀。那如果這個孩子相信,所有的苦澀其實都是為了他好呢? 在他經歷人生的各種挑戰時,他相信他都可以安然地度過,因為… 苦澀其實並不存在,存在的只有愛。

When a child believes that he is loved, so much loved that no matter how many mistakes he makes in this world, he will not be punished; no matter how heavy he falls, he will be caught from below; and no matter how people try to hurt him, he cannot be hurt because all he feels is love from his parents. Have we ever seen a child that has the capacity to worry? No, but you say that is because he is yet to taste the bitterness of life. What if this child believes that all the bitterness that happen is for his own good? He goes through challenges in life believing that he will come through each fine because… there is actually no bitterness, only love.


If we are guaranteed that no matter what happens, we will be OK, even in the face of physical death, will we still worry about the future?


And if we believe that everything happens for our good, all the regrets, shames, agonies and pains we experienced in the past do not really qualify to be called “suffering” anymore. All the mistakes we made are forgiven. And if we believe that we are unconditionally loved, the agonies and pains from the past will now be met with love, and that love will work like a soothing balm to comfort us and heal our wounds. There will be no need to visit the past anymore when the wounds no longer hurt. 


What is more, we can start to live with complete freedom and comfort, showing up in our own skin, because there is no longer awkwardness or shamefulness in whatever we say or do. We will never look bad in front of other people, because their opinions about you become trivial when you have faith in your being unconditionally loved. In that love, we are not judged. Love only recognizes everything as beauty. 

當我們對宇宙的愛有信心,將自己充滿愛的能量時,我們不是就會自然地安靜平和下來? 而當我們處在天堂般的平靜喜悅中時,我們還需要去對付我們的思緒嗎? 我知道這聽起來有點天方夜譚,但我只是想用一個不同的角度去看這個題目。如果念頭上的用功沒有效果時,我們也許可以嘗試在愛的上面下工夫? 

When we have faith in the love of the universe and fill ourselves with the same loving energy, don’t we naturally feel calm and peaceful? And when we are in that heaven-like state of peace and joy, do we still need to tackle our mind? I know this may sound like a fairy tale but I just wanted to explore this subject from a different perspective. If dealing with the mind has not worked, shall we try to work on love?

如果你問: 「我如何能相信宇宙是無條件愛我的? 」這是一個可以用另一篇文章探討的大題目,但讓我試著蜻蜓點水一下。感受一下溫暖的陽光,吸一口我們視為理所當然的空氣,享受任何你想吃的食物。如果我們願意把探照燈聚焦在「愛」上,我們還會看到很多其他的例子,因為除非我們有意識地去留意一些事,我們不會覺它們的存在。記得曾在臉書上某處看過這句話:「你的存在就是被愛的證明。」

And if you ask: how can I trust that the universe loves me unconditionally? This is a big topic that can be discussed in another article, but let me touch on a little bit of it here. Feel the warming sun, breathe in the air that we take for granted, and enjoy the food of your choice. There are so many more examples if we are willing to tune in to the loves in our lives, because we tend not to notice things until we become aware of them. I remember coming across a saying on Facebook that reads like this: “The fact that you are here is proof that you are loved.” 

我相信「愛」是我們所有問題的答案。我只是想提出這樣的觀點: 「平安」的到來也許未必在於挪開念頭的阻礙,而是在於相信我們是無條件地被愛。

I have no doubt that love is the answer to all the problems that we have and I want to suggest that peace may not come from getting the mind out of the way but from trusting that we are unconditionally loved.

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