(視頻) Anita Moorjani 艾妮塔.穆札尼 - 愛自己會變成放縱嗎? / (Video) Self-love vs. Self-indulgence


* 2018-7-15 臉書直播 *
- 愛自己和放縱自己有什麼差別?
- 愛自己是什麼意思?
- 如何喚醒我心中沈睡的大師?
- 如何做到原諒自己?
- 人生的目的真的是體驗喜悅嗎?
- 艾妮塔,你有固定的靈修方式嗎?
- 如何在感冒時修正自己的能量?

* Live Video on Facebook 7-15-2018 *
- What is the difference between self-love and self-indulgence ?
- What does it mean to love myself ?
- How to awaken the guru within me ?
- How do I work on self forgiveness without draining myself ?
- Is it really the purpose of life to experience joy ?
- What is your spiritual routine to nurture self-love and stay grounded?
- How to rectify your energy when you come down with a cold or flu?

** Anita's website, Facebook page and radio show:
http://www. anitamoorjani.com

If you are not familiar with Anita’s story, you can watch this video to learn about her near-death experience and how she miraculously recovered from her terminal illness.

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