(視頻) Anita Moorjani 艾妮塔‧穆札尼: 只有一件事最要緊 / The Only Thing That Matters


 (中文字幕: 如果沒有看到選擇字幕語言的「齒輪」工具,請在視頻右下角選擇全螢幕,看到「 齒輪」 了嗎?)當你對自己的感覺很好時,你的存在本身就會讓別人感覺很好。」 "When you feel good about yourself, your very presence makes other people feel good." ~ 艾妮塔‧穆札尼 / Anita Moorjani 2022-12-12 臉書直播
Facebook live on 12/12/2022
影片來源/ Source of video: https://www.facebook.com/Anita.Moorjani/videos/683939813190492
❤️ Anita's websites : http://www.anitamoorjani.com http://www.facebook.com/Anita.Moorjani 如果您不認識艾妮塔,可以從這部影片了解她的瀕死經驗以及她如何奇蹟似地在幾週內從癌症末期康復。 If you are not familiar with Anita’s story, you can watch this video to learn about her near-death experience and how she miraculously recovered from her terminal illness. https://judyhtranslate.blogspot.com/2016/08/anita-moorjani.html

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